My options are:
1) Walgreens: Sorry, even tho you have a doctor rx, our system won't allow it. You can just pay out of pocket over $120.00
2) CVS: Rapid tests only, and only with a provider visit at the minute clinic. So if you aren't positive yet, you will be after!
3) A community agency that just stopped doing it bc of the "higher ups"
#CovidIsntOver #FreePCRsForAll #Test #Trace #MaskUp #KeepthePHE
#covidisntover #freepcrsforall #test #trace #MaskUp #keepthephe
RT @senorhettler
You, too, can call into the White House comment line and sing them tik tok songs telling them to stop ignoring COVID
We have a week to make as much noise as possible before the public health emergency ends.
Use this form to add your ORGANIZATION to the open statement against ending the declaration of the COVID Public Health Emergency (PHE).
#CovidIsNotOver #keepthephe #covid
Fuck you Biden and Fuck all these medical centers and hospitals abandoning their mask mandates.
@longcovidsos @novid
#KeepThePHE #MaskMandateNOW
RT @Just_Me_Gi
PSA: Endemic does not mean "End".
#CovidIsNotOver #keepthephe #MaskUp
It's awesome that I've called the White House comment line maybe 20 times intending to tell them to #KeepThePHE but I just get summarily disconnected every time 🙄
USians: I just wrote an angry letter to Biden admin, my senators & reps, about the badly managed pandemic and how life expectancy here is still falling ( 📉 ⚰️
Here's a tool for you to do so as well if you are inclined:
#keepthephe #covid #CovidIsNotOver
USians: I just wrote an angry letter to Biden admin, my senators & reps, about the badly managed pandemic and how life expectancy here is still falling ( 📉 ⚰️
Here's a tool for you to do so as well if you are inclined:
I just wrote a VERY angry letter to Biden admin, my senators & reps, about the badly managed pandemic and how life expectancy here is still falling (
Here's a tool for you to do so as well:
"The lowest-earning workers got a big pay bump during the pandemic, but those wage gains probably won't stick, as policies that bolstered wallets, helped keep children out of poverty and hunger, and kept people in their homes have all come to an end." -
Remember that abandoning working class people is a policy choice, and one we need to reject.
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #KeepThePHE #PublicHealth #SocialWork @socialwork
#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #publichealth #socialwork
"There is, and will be for the foreseeable future, sustained transmission across multiple countries alongside a significant burden of hospitalisations and deaths. Therefore, we may end up in the situation where there is technically an ongoing pandemic despite a declared end to the PHEIC. Such are the difficulties in defining the different stages of a global crisis." - @TheConversationUS
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #KeepThePHE #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer
#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #pandemic #seeyousafer
"Unwelcome a teacher as may be, the pandemic offers lessons we ignore at our peril, personal and social. Dare we hope we are up for the learning?"
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #KeepThePHE #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealthEmergency #Disability #Solidarity #DisabilitySolidarity #PublicHealth #SocialWork
#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency #disability #solidarity #disabilitysolidarity #publichealth #socialwork
"In the U.S. as in the UK minority populations are succumbing in disproportionate numbers. And what of our regard for the elderly and our respect for those people who look after them—often, again, of immigrant and minority backgrounds? Internationally, elder care is manifesting itself as a scandal: neglected seniors, undervalued, stressed, and underpaid caregivers."
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #KeepThePHE #SeeYouSafer #ElderCare #Seniors
#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #seeyousafer #eldercare #seniors
"On the individual level, some of us now have an enforced opportunity to consider how much of our self-concept is bound up in what we do out there in the world, with the activities we engage in, with the acceptance other people offer us. ‘If not all that, who am I?’ becomes an almost inescapable question. The answer may not be immediately comfortable."
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #KeepThePHE #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealthEmergency
#Dharma #Dhamma
#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency #dharma #dhamma
"It may be shock for many us to discover that, even in the richest societies the world has known, economic security and physical well-being are so precarious for so many, that a threat can so rapidly arise to menace ways of living and being we had taken for granted. We may also be asking ourselves just how essential some of our ordinary concerns have been."
#COVID19 #COVID #LongCOVID #KeepThePHE #Pandemic #SeeYouSafer #PublicHealthEmergency
#covid19 #covid #LongCovid #keepthephe #pandemic #seeyousafer #publichealthemergency
unintentionally grungy sticker , learning linocut printing. link from The People’s CDC
"For years, in mainstream politics the conventional line – on everything from healthcare to basic living expenses such as housing – has been that even if the world has its problems, expansive government intervention is not a feasible solution . . . then the virus started spreading, governments spent trillions in days – even going so far as to write cheques directly to citizens – and suddenly the question of what was feasible felt different."