In memory of Julian Keith Levene, English musician, guitarist and founding member of The Clash and Public Image Ltd (PiL), born on this day in 1957, Muswell Hill, London, England
📸 Tom Hill
#punk #punks #punkrock #postpunk #theclash #Pil #keithlevene #history #punkhistory
#punk #punks #PunkRock #postpunk #theclash #pil #keithlevene #history #punkhistory
Jah Wobble's bass tone has been described as, "impossibly deep," and I'd certainly have to agree. RIP Keith Levene.
#PIL #JahWobble #KeithLevene #PopTones #OGWT #PublicImage #JohnLydon #PostPunk
#postpunk #JohnLydon #publicimage #ogwt #poptones #keithlevene #jahwobble #pil
This is the slight but wonderfully sinister guitar track THE SLAB from #KeithLevene's #CommercialZone merged with meatier and largely synthesized THE ORDER OF DEATH (so called for being the theme used for a film of the same name that Lydon co-starred in). Same track effectively the same band but two different visions.
#pil #commercialzone #keithlevene
Lydon became (more) demented and dictatorial over his vision of what the 4th #PIL studio album should be and after much arguing #KeithLevene took a copy of the tapes, mixed his own version and released it before the Virgin 'official' LP. Levene's record COMMERCIAL ZONE is a great counterpoint to THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT... THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, Lydon's version.
The tracks on the latter were largely performed by session musicians under Lydon & #MartinAtkins.
I happen to like both.
#martinatkins #keithlevene #pil
I don't follow media news at all, I tend to pick up what little I do here and by osmosis. It's that or be as assaulted by AN UNENDING TIDAL WAVE OF MEANINLESS BRAIN-DAMAGING SHITE as the rest of you.
This strict avoidance does mean some things I would have wished to know I miss, at the time.
#KeithLevene died last November he was 65.
He was a founder member of #TheClash and #PublicImageLimited #PIL. He fell out with John Lydon over their fourth studio album, releasing his own version.
#pil #publicimagelimited #theclash #keithlevene
#JohnLydon est devenu un tel vieux con que j'ai du mal à apprécier l'écoute des morceaux géniaux que #PublicImageLimited a sorti lors de ses 5 premières années d'existence, qui m'emmenaient dans la stratosphère depuis l'adolescence.
L'image du vieux JohnsoTrumpiste à la voix et aux mimiques usées m'apparaît à chaque écoute.
N'est pas #IggyPop ou #KimGordon qui veut.
RIP #KeithLevene
#keithlevene #kimgordon #iggypop #publicimagelimited #JohnLydon
PIL - > John Lydon and Keith Levene with covergirl Jeanette Lee circa 1981
#punk #punks #punkrock #postpunk #postpunkmusic #keithlevene #Pil #history #punkrockhistory
#RipKeithLevene #punk #punks #PunkRock #postpunk #postpunkmusic #keithlevene #pil #history #punkrockhistory
#NowPlaying️ a US copy which was sent to me in the early 80's by a US student who lodged with our family for the summer. They also sent me the wonderful URGH! A Music War compilation #vinyl #keithlevene
#NowPlaying️ #vinyl #keithlevene
RIP #keithlevene of PiL , Clash, etc. #art #doodle #sketchbookdrawing
#keithlevene #art #doodle #sketchbookdrawing
#MusicMonday Listened to this today in honour of #KeithLevene:
My goodbye 2020 – 20 x 18cm, oil on canvas
Keith Levene was an extraordinary and visionary guitarist who pushed the envelope on post punk while laying the groundwork of influence for progressive sonic architects like My Bloody Valentine, he will be very much missed. Keith Levene (1957 - 2022) #PiL #KeithLevene #guitarist #painting #portrait
#PIL #keithlevene #guitarist #painting #portrait
For all you #PiL fans, just found a comprehensive interview with the late, great #keithlevene here:
#postpunk #punkrock #keithlevene #pil
"Look at my hands, I don’t use a pick! I practice three hours a day, every day, on an acoustic" - Keith Levene.
RIP to the innovator and legendary guitarist, great to chat a while back.
"Look at my hands, I don’t use a pick! I practice three hours a day, every day, on an acoustic" - Keith Levene.
RIP to the innovator and legendary guitarist, great to chat a while back.
El viernes falleció #KeithLevene, guitarrista original de #TheClash y de #PIL.😭 Uno de los músicos que definieron el sonido #post_punk
Aquí con #JohnLydon (anteriormente #JohnnyRotten) y #JahWobble, que eran la formación original de #PublicImageLtd, tocando el primer single de la banda, que tenía como título el propio nombre del grupo. Clásico e inolvidable. Te echaremos de menos.
#publicimageltd #jahwobble #johnnyrotten #johnlydon #theclash #keithlevene #post_punk #pil
#rip #keithlevene Thanks for the memories 😌
The Clash - London Calling
I missed the news yesterday that #KeithLevene passed away. I swear I want to form a protective bubble over/around the icons of my childhood, because too many are leaving us. Granted, I'm 50, so I know I'm entering that period of time when this is bound to happen.
Sunday morning #vinyl selections all over the place. #PublicImageLtd RIP #KeithLevene #LauraNyro #Galaxie500
#vinyl #PublicImageLtd #keithlevene #LauraNyro #Galaxie500