I received some, likely counterfeit, REF200 chips - a quick test with my #keithtley #sourcemeasureunit proved them quite accurate though, so I decided to repeat a classic experiment from early university days: charging a capacitor with a constant current source.
We’re all used to that exponential rise seen in a RC circuit, but replacing the resistor with a constant current source, we get a beautiful linear ramp instead, it’s incline solely determined by the current and the capacitor values.
I knew upgrading to a 4CH #oscilloscope was a good idea ☝🏻😂
#electronics #electronicsengineering #physics #basicelectronics #engineer #hamr #hamradio #mylab #testandmeasurement
#keithtley #sourcemeasureunit #oscilloscope #electronics #electronicsengineering #physics #basicelectronics #engineer #hamr #hamradio #mylab #testandmeasurement