Kotaku: The Last Of Us Episode 5 Recap: The Saga Of Henry And Sam https://kotaku.com/last-of-us-tlou-s1e5-henry-sam-hbo-kathleen-kansas-city-1850104162 #gaming #tech #kotaku #englishlanguagefilms #kathleeninterrogate #savagestarlightsam #henrylamarjohnson #edelsteinhenry #keivonnwoodard #melanielynskey #creativeworks #samepisode #kathleen #mobydick #michael #culture #memory #henry #films #fedra #danny #susan #frank #tommy #dicks #perry #kyle #bill #ish #hbo
#englishlanguagefilms #kathleeninterrogate #savagestarlightsam #henrylamarjohnson #edelsteinhenry #keivonnwoodard #melanielynskey #creativeworks #samepisode #kathleen #mobydick #michael #Culture #memory #henry #films #fedra #danny #susan #frank #Tommy #dicks #perry #kyle #bill #ish #hbo #Gaming #Tech #kotaku
- #KeivonnWoodard was superb as Sam.
- The fact that as depraved as KC FEDRA was, they effectively kept the infected at bay. It took only 10 days after they were overthrown for the infected to swarm.
- I’m glad the camera didn’t linger on the clicker that attacked Kathleen. It was a kid! That was more creepy than the bloater. Foreshadowing 😳
#keivonnwoodard #thou #thelastofushbo #henryandsam