It warmed my heart to welcome the research group to our house to celebrate the end of a long year together. Our first time hosting ever, due to Covid and house renovations and such.
It's been fantastic seeing them grow as scientists and people, and have them become closer as a team. 2022 was challenging, to be sure, but I feel that we're setting ourselves up for a vibrant (and productive) 2023!
#proudpi #kellogglab #PennState
Extractions a-plenty. The team has been hard at work processing the late summer collections and making extracts, partitions, and herbarium specimens. What beautiful and diverse colors! Soon they'll be ready for testing and chemical profiling!
#kellogglab #pennstate #naturalproducts #chemistry #extraction #medicinalplants #plants #botany #anbitiotics #research #chemlab #metabolomics #herbarium
#kellogglab #PennState #naturalproducts #chemistry #extraction #medicinalplants #plants #botany #anbitiotics #research #chemlab #metabolomics #Herbarium