Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: SCOTUS Gift Guide: What to Buy the Unelected Justice Who Loves 18th Century Law #Jezebel #blackconservatismintheunitedstates #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #hospitalityrecreation #kellyanneconway #moonshinealito #clarencethomas #marblesthomas #samuelalito #ginnithomas #harrypotter #harlancrow #leonardleo #wealthy #tennis #gullah #ginni #wade #golf #roe
#jezebel #blackconservatismintheunitedstates #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #hospitalityrecreation #kellyanneconway #moonshinealito #clarencethomas #marblesthomas #samuelalito #ginnithomas #harrypotter #harlancrow #LeonardLeo #wealthy #tennis #gullah #ginni #wade #Golf #roe
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Trump Is Now Openly Feuding With 2 of His Former White Women Accomplices #Jezebel #politicsoftheunitedstates #sarahhuckabeesanders #floridarepublicans #christinapushaw #kellyanneconway #kayleighmcenany #businesspeople #sarahsanders #socialissues #unitedstates #donaldtrump #rondesantis #jennaellis #hopehicks #ivanka #pushaw
#jezebel #politicsoftheunitedstates #sarahhuckabeesanders #floridarepublicans #christinapushaw #kellyanneconway #kayleighmcenany #businesspeople #sarahsanders #socialissues #unitedstates #donaldtrump #rondesantis #jennaellis #hopehicks #ivanka #pushaw
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Claudia Conway, Daughter of Kellyanne, Finds 'Freedom' As a Playboy Content Creator #Jezebel #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #americantelevisionseries #entertainment2cculture #kellyanneconway #jonathanmajors #theplayboyclub #claudiaconway #alisonbechdel #kimkardashian #georgeconway #barackobama #donaldtrump #periodicals #lynnspears #tinaturner #anneconway
#jezebel #donaldtrump2016presidentialcampaign #americantelevisionseries #entertainment2cculture #kellyanneconway #jonathanmajors #theplayboyclub #claudiaconway #alisonbechdel #KimKardashian #georgeconway #barackobama #donaldtrump #periodicals #lynnspears #tinaturner #anneconway
Kellyanne Conway is now caught up in Clarence Thomas' latest ethics scandal
#BusinessInsider #KellyanneConway #ClarenceThomas #EthicsScandal #PoliticalEthics #USGovernment #Politics #News
#businessinsider #kellyanneconway #clarencethomas #ethicsscandal #politicalethics #usgovernment #politics #news
Judicial activist directed fees to Clarence Thomas’s wife #Ginni Thomas, urging ‘no mention of Ginni’
#LeonardLeo told #GOP pollster #KellyanneConway to bill nonprofit, then use money to pay spouse of #SCOTUS justice
Leo—Chairman of the #FederalistSociety—arranged for Clarence Thomas' wife to be paid at least $80,000 in fees from an org with business in the Court.
He emphasized that the paperwork contain “No mention of Ginni, of course.”
#ginni #leonardleo #gop #kellyanneconway #scotus #federalistsociety
#Update: Kellyanne Conway responds to report Judicial Activist who hired her moved to cover up payments to Justice Thomas' wife Ginni Thomas #KellyanneConway #ClarenceThomas #GinniThomas #SupremeCourt #Ethics #EthicsCode #politicaliq #news #politics
#update #kellyanneconway #clarencethomas #GinniThomas #supremecourt #ethics #ethicscode #politicaliq #News #politics
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kellyanne Conway Is Now Involved in Clarence Thomas' Mess #Jezebel #catholicchurchintheunitedstates #republicanpartyunitedstates29 #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #theheritagefoundation #libertyconsulting #kellyanneconway #clarencethomas #washingtonpost #pollingcompany #virginiathomas #leonardleo #harlancrow #thomases #lawyers #conway #ginni
#jezebel #catholicchurchintheunitedstates #republicanpartyunitedstates29 #supremecourtoftheunitedstates #theheritagefoundation #libertyconsulting #kellyanneconway #clarencethomas #washingtonpost #pollingcompany #virginiathomas #LeonardLeo #harlancrow #thomases #lawyers #conway #ginni
#KellyanneConway surprises no one by taking part in bribing of SCOTUS justice #ClarenceThomas.
Judicial activist directed fees to Clarence Thomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’
#clarencethomas #kellyanneconway
From #washingtonpost Judicial activist directed fees to #ClarenceThomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’
#LeonardLeo told #GOP pollster #KellyanneConway to bill nonprofit, then use money to pay spouse of Supreme Court justice
#scotus #scotuscorruption #legal #law #lawfedi
#washingtonpost #clarencethomas #leonardleo #gop #kellyanneconway #scotus #scotuscorruption #legal #law #lawfedi
Conservative judicial activist #LeonardLeo arranged for the wife of SC Justice #ClarenceThomas to be paid tens of thousands of dollars for consulting work just over a decade ago, specifying that Ginni’s name be left off billing paperwork
In January 2012 Leo instructed the GOP pollster #KellyanneConway to bill a nonprofit group he advises and use that money to pay Virginia “Ginni” Thomas 🔥
#kellyanneconway #clarencethomas #LeonardLeo
Judicial activist directed fees to Clarence Thomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’
Thomas must—-MUST resign… #scotus #ClarenceThomas #kellyanneconway #ginnithomas #leonardleo
#LeonardLeo #ginnithomas #kellyanneconway #clarencethomas #SCOTUS
#LeonardLeo #GinniThomas #ClarenceThomasIsCorrupt #KellyanneConway
I wonder what the statute of limitations is for tax evasion, fraud, bribery, etc etc...
Judicial activist directed fees to Clarence Thomas’s wife, urged ‘no mention of Ginni’ - The Washington Post
#leonardleo #ginnithomas #ClarenceThomasIsCorrupt #kellyanneconway
Kellyanne Conway is hammering Ron DeSantis for focusing on culture wars instead of the economy. It seems Republicans are starting to notice Ron would rather Nazi cosplay and attack businesses than do his job. If Ron isn't careful, his 2024 campaign could fall apart before it even technically began.
#trump #donaldtrump #desantis #rondesantis #kellyanneconway #nazism #fascism #disney #transrights #translivesmatter #dontsaygay #culturewar #woke #economy
#trump #donaldtrump #desantis #rondesantis #kellyanneconway #nazism #fascism #disney #transrights #translivesmatter #DontSayGay #culturewar #woke #economy
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Donald Trump Pisses Off Powerful Anti-Abortion Group: 'Morally Indefensible' #Jezebel #abortionintheunitedstates #susanbanthonyprolife #marjoriedannenfelser #susanbanthonylist #sexualrevolution #americansociety #kellyanneconway #susanbanthony #unitedstates #socialissues #donaldtrump #rondesantis #abortionlaw #newjersey #joebiden #illinois #politics #roevwade #dobbs
#jezebel #abortionintheunitedstates #susanbanthonyprolife #marjoriedannenfelser #susanbanthonylist #sexualrevolution #americansociety #kellyanneconway #susanbanthony #unitedstates #socialissues #donaldtrump #rondesantis #abortionlaw #newjersey #joebiden #Illinois #politics #roevwade #dobbs
#kellyanneconway says the #rethuglican party needs to “work ON” young voters. Democrats work WITH young voters. Big effin’ difference and the youth of America isn’t stupid. They’re waiting for the prejudiced dinosaurs to become extinct
Aftershocks from Tennessee Republicans’ fiasco may resonate for years
You know the #RepublicanParty is down bad when @FoxNews goes to #KellyanneConway for #election advice.
#republicanparty #kellyanneconway #election
@fonecokid The evidence is piling up on our #Bill. I'm old enough to remember when #Maher gave #KellyAnneConway a free pass--five minutes to pitch #TFG to the #PoliticallyIncorrect audience -- with no pushback, days before the 2016 election. That was before the planet knew her as #CruellaDeVille. I mean, WTF #BillMaher?
#bill #maher #kellyanneconway #TFG #politicallyincorrect #cruelladeville #billmaher
Rejected 1960s Batman TV Series Villain Proposal No. 23:
#KellyanneConway #MAGA #Batman
#Batman #MAGA #kellyanneconway
#FoxNews Guest TURNS ON #KellyanneConway live on air and utterly HUMILIATES her