Global News BC: Officials attempting to identify body found in aftermath of fire near Kelowna encampment #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #homelessencampmentinKelowna #kelownaencampmentfire #KelownaFireDepartment #CauseOfDeathUnknown #Cpl.MichaelGauthier #BodyFoundinKelowna #Kelownafire #millcreek #SpallRoad #Spall #Fire #News
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #homelessencampmentinkelowna #kelownaencampmentfire #kelownafiredepartment #causeofdeathunknown #CPL #bodyfoundinkelowna #kelownafire #millcreek #spallroad #spall #fire
Global News BC: Okanagan wildfire officials to provide update as phased return home continues #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #McDougallCreekwildfire #BCWildfireService #BCwildfirelatest #BCWildfireupdate #WestKelownaFire #GrouseComplex #Kelownafire #WestKelowna #BCWildfire #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #mcdougallcreekwildfire #bcwildfireservice #bcwildfirelatest #bcwildfireupdate #westkelownafire #grousecomplex #kelownafire #WestKelowna #BCWildfire #fire
Global News BC: Ministers, wildfire service to provide update as more than 380 wildfires burn in B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BushCreekEastwildfire #BCStateofEmergency #BCWildfireService #BCWildfireupdate #WestKelownaFire #BcWildfireNews #BCgovernment #Kelownafire #ShuswapFire #BCWildfire #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bushcreekeastwildfire #bcstateofemergency #bcwildfireservice #bcwildfireupdate #westkelownafire #bcwildfirenews #BCgovernment #kelownafire #shuswapfire #BCWildfire #fire
Global News BC: Smoke aids B.C. fire fight, but officials warn about impact of California hurricane #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #McDougallCreekfire #BCWildfireService #BushCreekEastFire #hurricanehilary #WestKelownaFire #HarjitSajjan #Kelownafire #BCWildfire #U.S.News #Weather #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #mcdougallcreekfire #bcwildfireservice #bushcreekeastfire #hurricanehilary #westkelownafire #harjitsajjan #kelownafire #BCWildfire #U #Weather #fire
Global News BC: ‘It’s going to get worse’: Strong winds expected to fan flames in West Kelowna #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #fireweatherforecast #McDougallCreekfire #BCWeatherForecast #BCWildfireService #EnvironmentCanada #WestKelownaFire #WildfiresinBC #Kelownafire #BCWildfire #BCweather #BCFire #BCheat #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fireweatherforecast #mcdougallcreekfire #bcweatherforecast #bcwildfireservice #EnvironmentCanada #westkelownafire #wildfiresinbc #kelownafire #BCWildfire #BCweather #BCFire #bcheat #fire
My heart is with my friends and all of those in #Kelowna right now dealing what that enormous out of control wildfire.
It brings back memories personally, as I was in the city in 2003, 20 years ago nearly to the day… when that massive wildfire broke out.
It’s chilling.
Thinking of you all - be safe.
Global News BC: Kelowna’s Knox Mountain wildfire in ‘mop up’ stage #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #KelownaKnoxMountainwildfire #KnoxMountainwildfire #BCWildfireService #kelownawildfire #knoxmountain #Environment #BCwildfires #Kelownafire #BCWildfire #Kelowna #BCFire #Fire #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kelownaknoxmountainwildfire #knoxmountainwildfire #bcwildfireservice #kelownawildfire #knoxmountain #environment #BCwildfires #kelownafire #BCWildfire #kelowna #BCFire #fire #BC
Global News BC: Kelowna, B.C.’s Bankhead Store catches fire Sunday morning #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #KelownaFireDepartment #Kelownabankheadstore #Bankheadstore #Bernardavenue #Kelownafire #Kelowna #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kelownafiredepartment #kelownabankheadstore #bankheadstore #bernardavenue #kelownafire #kelowna #fire