1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
120 followers · 2784 posts · Server todon.eu

`light of the day/the light day`, is the female sun deity, married to Kilydd and mother of , the cousin of King .
Source: Ingeborg Clarus `

#Goleuddydd #welsh #Culhwch #arthur #keltische #mythen #celtic

Last updated 1 year ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
100 followers · 2594 posts · Server todon.eu

`light of the day/the light day`, is the female sun deity, married to Kilydd and mother of , the cousin of King
Source: Ingeborg Clarus `

#Goleuddydd #welsh #Culhwch #arthur #keltische #mythen

Last updated 1 year ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

: Warrior women who trained young heroes held vab Modron captive.
Source: Ingeborg Clarus ` `
RT @ogmios
POV: you insulted the druid Mug Ruith in front of King Cormac Mac Art, and now the Morrígan has sent a Falcaíraoi to end your life.

#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #mabon #keltische #mythen

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

: vab Modron was a prisoner of warrior women that were training young heroes. Kulhwch succeeded in freeing the 'Great Son of the Great Mother' from his terrible torments in Caer Loyw, an place
Source: Ingeb. Clarus ` `
RT @DirkPuehl
"Mabon the son of Modron spurred his steed and snatched his razor from him" (Mabinogion)

The salmon of Llyn Llyw knows where Mabon is held & …

#celtic #mythologymonday #mabon #otherworldly #keltische #mythen

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

` wizard ap y Teirgwaedd `the Spiritual` tried in the guise of a bird to catch the bristle comb between the ears of the boar . In doing so, he was so badly injured by a single one of these bristles, which were poisonous, that he never fully recovered.
Source: Ingeborg Clarus ` `
RT @MagpieMoonlight@twitter.com
Killing wild boars as a test of courage is a recurring theme in Celtic mythology.
In the tale of Culhwch and Olwen, King Arthur is called upon to help slay the terrifying enchanted boar Twrch Trwyth - a huge, ferocious beast adorned with toxic bristles🐗

#Artus #Menw #TwrchTrwyth #keltische #mythen #welsh #mythologymonday

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

: The footholder of the king/underworld god was raped by Gilvaethwy. He and his brother Gwyddion were enchanted into animals as punishment for three years. First, as stag and hind, they had to give birth to a hind calf and deliver it to Math, then as boar and sow a piglet, and finally as wolf and she-wolf a pup. Afterwards, again in human form, Gwyddion, god of science and son of the mother goddess Dana, and Gilvaethwy proposed to their uncle their sister as the new footholder.
Source: Ingeborg Clarus „ Mythen – Der Mensch und seine
RT @YnysAfallon@twitter.com
Math ap Mathonwy was king of North Wales and a powerful magician. As punishment for instigating a war & raping his footholder, Math transformed his nephews Gwydion and Gilfaethwy into three different pairs of animals for three years: deer, boars, & wolves. 1/2

#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #welsh #math #Arianrhod #keltische #Anderswelt #folklorethursday

Last updated 2 years ago

De Archeoloog · @DeArcheoloog
136 followers · 71 posts · Server mastodon.social

Dieven hebben dinsdagnacht een uit het Kelten Römer Museum in in het Duitse Beieren . Het gaat om 483 gouden munten en een klomp onbewerkt goud met een totale waarde van 1,6 miljoen euro.

#keltische #goudschat #manching #geroofd

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

` wizard ap y Teirgwaedd `the Spiritual` tried in the guise of a bird to catch the bristle comb between the ears of the boar . In doing so, he was so badly injured by a single one of these bristles, which were poisonous, that he never fully recovered.
Source: Ingeborg Clarus ` `
RT @MagpieMoonlight@twitter.com
Killing wild boars as a test of courage is a recurring theme in Celtic mythology.

#Artus #Menw #TwrchTrwyth #keltische #mythen

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

 : ` wizard ap y Teirgwaedd `the Spiritual` tried in the guise of a bird to catch the bristle comb between the ears of the boar . In doing so, he was so badly injured by a single one of these bristles, which were poisonous, that he never fully recovered.
Source: Ingeborg Clarus ` `

RT @MagpieMoonlight@twitter.com

Killing wild boars as a test of courage is a recurring theme in Celtic mythology.
In the tale of Culhwch and Olwen, King Arthur is called upon to help slay the terrifying enchanted boar Twrch Trwyth - a huge, ferocious beast adorned with toxic bristles🐗

#celtic #mythology #Artus #Menw #TwrchTrwyth #keltische #mythen #welsh #mythologymonday

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

: vab Modron was a prisoner of warrior women that were training young heroes. Kulhwch succeeded in freeing the 'Great Son of the Great Mother' from his terrible torments in Caer Loyw, a place of the .
Source: I. Clarus ` `

#celtic #FaustianFriday #mabon #otherworld #keltische #mythen

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

FolkloreThursday: The daughter of Amlawdd Wledig, `light of the day/the light day`, is the female sun deity, married to Kilydd and mother of , the cousin of King .
Source: Ingeborg Clarus ` `

#celtic #Goleuddydd #welsh #Culhwch #arthur #keltische #mythen

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

: `light of the day/the light day` is the female sun deity, married to Cilydd and mother of , the cousin of King .
Source: Ingeborg Clarus ` `

RT @MythWelsh@twitter.com

Goleuddydd became pregnant. She went mad and would not go near any house so gave birth to Culhwch among pigs. Soon after, she fell sick and asked her husband Cilydd not to remarry until he saw a two-headed briar on her grave.

#celtic #mythologymonday #Goleuddydd #welsh #Culhwch #arthur #keltische #mythen

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

` wizard ap y Teirgwaedd `the Spiritual` tried in the guise of a bird to catch the bristle comb between the ears of the boar . In doing so, he was so badly injured by a single one of these bristles, which were poisonous, that he never fully recovered.
Source: Ingeborg Clarus ` `

#Artus #Menw #TwrchTrwyth #keltische #mythen

Last updated 3 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server todon.eu

: ich bin Erst-Verfasser vom Neu-Keltischen Manifest; Autor eines unveröffentlichten -Romanes; Patchwork-Familienmensch mit 3 eigenen & 2 Bonus-Kindern; Umwelt- & Naturschützer; Schüler der Repräsentant~innen von Dr. und Master Sha; & Medium; Liebhaber aller Künste; Hobby-Volleyballer; aufgewachsen im Lavanttal;
ich bin sehr an den öffentlichen Angelegenheiten interessiert und habe einen Abschluss in Politikwissenschaft; ich stehe im öffentlichen Dienst, bin Ex-Kommunalpolitiker und Ex-Campaigner; mein Wohn-/Arbeitsort: Béal Átha Caointe
ich bin ständig am Recherchieren für meinen ~innen-Roman. So oft ich kann, bereise ich daher jene Regionen, wo es noch eine gelebte Kultur gibt, und besuche historische keltische Stätten sowie . Zum Ausgleich höre ich #Celtic music und schaue gerne die Spiele der Seattle Seahawks.

#introductions #fantasy #Lichtarbeiter #Kelt #keltische #Keltenausstellungen #traditional

Last updated 3 years ago