#trpg #kemi #jdr Been adapting Fate Core to « Kemi - Aventures en Égypte Antique », an historical game about Ancient Egypt (New Empire, 25th year of Tutmes III’s reign). We’re trying the investigation adventure from the book and things are working pretty well, although the narrativist system required some tweaks in most of my players’ mindsets (I thought it would have been immediate). Overall, though, it’s probably be a big success. Too bad the scenario looks pretty short (2 sessions).
Materialet grafens bidrag till samhället
I tio år har Chalmers koordinerat EU:s största forskningsprogram någonsin – Grafenflaggskeppet med en budget på 1 miljard euro. Nu summeras arbetet med att få den tunnaste formen av kol – grafen – att ta klivet från labbet till att göra nytta i samhället.
#Ekonomi #Energi #EU #Fysik #Kemi #Medicin #Neurologi #Chalmers #CTH #Forskning #Grafen #Teknik
#Teknik #grafen #forskning #cth #Chalmers #neurologi #medicin #kemi #fysik #eu #energi #ekonomi
Träbaserad teknik tar bort 80% av färgföroreningar i avlopp
Forskare vid Chalmers har utvecklat en ny metod som enkelt kan rena förorenat vatten med hjälp av ett cellulosabaserat material. Upptäckten kan få betydelse för länder med dålig vattenrening, och motverka det omfattande problemet med texti
#Kemi #Miljö #Natur #Avlopp #Avloppsvatten #Chalmers #Föroreningar #rentvatten #Vattenrening
#vattenrening #rentvatten #fororeningar #Chalmers #avloppsvatten #avlopp #natur #miljo #kemi
Promoting #SaferChemicals requires good cooperation between #ECHA and the Member States.
Today, Sharon McGuinness, ECHA's ED, visited the Swedish Chemicals Agency #KEMI to discuss shared goals on #ChemicalsStrategy, enforcement, and digitalisation.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ECHA/status/1628787301235949568
#SaferChemicals #ECHA #kemi #ChemicalsStrategy
@mossguy Carbon tax on coal was increased last year, wood will logically be next.
It was a perfectly predictable outcome that everyone had warned Helen about, but they chose to ignore it. Finnish industrial interests are still busy increasing demand for tree logging, chiefly by increasing wood burning everywhere and pulp consumption in the new #Kemi paper mill.
There's no logic, it's grift. Privatization of profits and socialisation of losses.
La meva #CançóDelDia per al dissabte 28 de gener és aquesta dels #SonataArctica #Kemi #PowerMetal #ProgMetal ✒️!
#cancodeldia #sonataarctica #kemi #powermetal #progmetal
Le Guide des Pilleurs de sarcophages et de la trilogie égyptienne, un GROS scénario #kémi #jdr
"Imprisoning the River #Kemi: Constructing #EcoAnxiety by Constructing Dams in #Finland."
#kemi #Ecoanxiety #finland #kemijoki #EcoGrief #ecostress #Solastalgia #suomi
I dag får professor Morten Meldal overrakt nobelprisen i kemi.
-Det er simpelthen så sejt!
-Naturvidenskab er sejt!
#chemistry #kemi #dkpol #dkmedier
Den forventede reform af EUs store kemikalielovgivning fra 2007 udskydes nu til 4 kvartal ‘23. Det betyder vi ikke får en ny lov vedtaget inden EP valget 2024. Eu Kom varsler også forandringer i ambitionerne. Eller jeg burde sige udvande ambitionerne 2/ #kemi #giftfrihverdag
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SchaldemoseMEP/status/1582751226298408965
Egentlig var EU kommet på ret kurs ifht kemikalier. REACH skulle revideres og en ambitiøs kemikaliestrategi så dagens lys i efteråret 2020, men træerne vokser ikke ind i himmelen. Kort 🧵1/#eudk #kemi
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/SchaldemoseMEP/status/1582751224541380608
Kemistry & Storm // #KemistryAndStorm //
album DJ-Kicks: Kemistry & Storm [1999]
//via // !K7Music #K7Music //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #KemistryandStorm #KemistryStorm #Storm #DJStorm #Kemi #DJKemi #Kemistry #DJKicks #DJStorm #DJKicksKemistryAndStorm
#DrumAndBass #DnB #Jungle
#kemistryandstorm #k7music #brandunbrand #youtube #music #kemistrystorm #storm #djstorm #kemi #djkemi #kemistry #djkicks #djkickskemistryandstorm #drumandbass #dnb #jungle
Kemistry & Storm // #KemistryAndStorm //
album DJ-Kicks: Kemistry & Storm [1999]
//via // !K7Music #K7Music //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #KemistryandStorm #KemistryStorm #Storm #DJStorm #Kemi #DJKemi #Kemistry #DJKicks #DJStorm #DJKicksKemistryAndStorm
#DrumAndBass #DnB #Jungle
#kemistryandstorm #k7music #brandunbrand #youtube #music #kemistrystorm #storm #djstorm #kemi #djkemi #kemistry #djkicks #djkickskemistryandstorm #drumandbass #dnb #jungle
Cédric Chaillol, auteur du jeu de rôle "Kémi, aventures en Égypte ancienne", aux éditions Sethmes (gratuit en PDF, payant en version papier), a annoncé pour bientôt un scénario intitulé "La Porte de Tjay".
#jdr #jeuderôle #kémi #égypteancienne #sethmes
#jdr #jeuderole #kemi #egypteancienne #sethmes
RT @jameswoudhuysen: Catatonic about #Kemi? Made comatose by #Keir? A lifelong leftist, I just took a Tory to a two-day bash organised by the Academy of Ideas, and great fun was had. So: if longing for an alternative, please come to this. You won't be disappointed https://www.battleofideas.org.uk/ @Fox_Claire
RT @jameswoudhuysen: VITAL article by @SherelleJacobs. She is really on it here. Without #Kemi, the Tories are sunk. Rishi will mean Boris but without the fun. Kemi thinks on her feet, discriminates, polemicises, and values creative IDEAS in line with our times. And yes, I know her defects
RT @simplysimontfa: Telegraph online poll shows Kemi Badenoch is the No. 1 choice of Telegraph readers. #conservativeleadership #KemiBadenoch #Kemi4PM #kemi
#conservativeleadership #KemiBadenoch #Kemi4PM #kemi
Kemi Badenoch brings culture war rhetoric to Tory leadership race | Conservative leadership | The Guardian #kemi #badenoch #brings #culture #rhetoric #tory #leadership #race #conservative #guardian #9luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL3BvbGl0aWNzLzIwMjIvanVsLzA5L2tlbWktYmFkZW5vY2gtYnJpbmdzLWN1bHR1cmUtd2FyLXJoZXRvcmljLXRvcnktbGVhZGVyc2hpcC1yYWNlLWJvcmlzLWpvaG5zb24=
#9luglio #guardian #conservative #race #leadership #tory #rhetoric #culture #brings #Badenoch #kemi