I had the privilege of meeting Ken and some of his crew years back when I was part of an auto-x team that consisted mostly of Subarus. We worked together on some pre-X-games practices and ran some Subaru-specific events with Ken and Travis Pastrana
Ken's passing is a big deal to me because his creativity brought some amazing things to motorsports and he did a lot of the lifting that brough rally racing to the American racing spotlight
#kenblock43 #kenblockrip #kenblock
Addio a #KenBlock , pilota di #rally . Morto in incidente in #USA
#incidentemortale #ripkenblock #tfnews #tfmotori #tfsport #RallyDriver #kenblockRIP #sport #motori #news #cronaca #esteri #3gennaio
#KenBlock #rally #usa #incidentemortale #ripkenblock #tfnews #tfmotori #tfsport #rallydriver #kenblockrip #sport #motori #news #cronaca #esteri #3gennaio
Sneeuwscooters zijn blijkbaar
levensgevaarlijke apparaten ☠️💀
Rallyrijder en YouTube-ster Ken Block (55) overleden - https://nos.nl/l/2458526