@sallyjeffery @majnouna sounds like the inimitable #KenCampbell, he was a good friend of my Dad's. I remember him telling me about he “hawked his books around” like a travelling salesman to get a foot in the door!
Heads down - I’m unleashing my new weapon of mass confusion. I call it the #TootGrenade.
#Puppies #Inane #MiniBabyBel #AlexandriaQuartet #Cardiacs #Fluffy #DSPS #Stuff #Quantum #Stoppard #Sunshine #CaptainScarlet #NearlyChristmas #Omnipresence #KenCampbell #ImMelting #Weetabix #Spook #BazylTheSheepdog #Magnolia #ItsFootballNotSoccer #Peace #BollocksToBrexit #AllTheCheeses #Friendica #ArtDeco #DonkeySanctuary #Thingy
(...or perhaps that should be #HashBomb)
#tootgrenade #puppies #inane #minibabybel #alexandriaquartet #cardiacs #fluffy #dsps #stuff #quantum #stoppard #sunshine #captainscarlet #nearlychristmas #omnipresence #kencampbell #immelting #weetabix #spook #bazylthesheepdog #magnolia #itsfootballnotsoccer #peace #bollockstobrexit #allthecheeses #friendica #artdeco #donkeysanctuary #thingy #hashbomb