Aaron Sorkin's 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is not Harper Lee's, but it is a lesson learned.
#ToKillAMockingbird #KennedyCenter #Theatre #TheatreReview #BroadwayAcrossAmerica
#tokillamockingbird #kennedycenter #theatre #theatrereview #broadwayacrossamerica
After a hugely successful run at the #KennedyCenter, #MontyPythonsSpamalot will get a revival on #Broadway with #MichaelUrie, #JamesMonroeIglehart, #LeslieRodriguezKritzer, #JimmySmagula and #NikWalker reprising their roles. #EthanSlater and #ChristopherFitzgerald will join the cast, and #JoshRhodes will return as director. Check out our review of the Kennedy Center production.
#kennedycenter #montypythonsspamalot #broadway #michaelurie #jamesmonroeiglehart #leslierodriguezkritzer #jimmysmagula #nikwalker #ethanslater #christopherfitzgerald #joshrhodes
See this 'spectacular spectacule' is you can can can!
#MoulinRouge @MoulinRougeBway #KennedyCenter #BroadwayAcrossAmerica #NationalTour @KennedyCenter
#moulinrouge #kennedycenter #broadwayacrossamerica #nationaltour
Last night two friends and I went to see THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG at the #KennedyCenter performed by an American touring company. A mystery story is presented by an amateur drama company, and actors make mistakes, props go wrong, and it all escalates. The play is a lot of fun, requiring the actors to do both fast repartee and precisely timed physical comedy.
Here's a 10 minute excerpt from early in the play, as performed by its original UK cast. This was for a variety performance, so there are some surprising changes made to fit the setting. If you like it, you can go look for the follow-up adaptations of A Christmas Carol, Shakespeare, and the TV series THE GOES WRONG SHOW.
"'It’s a way to challenge preconceived notions of what it means to be an American, whose backs did we build it on, what have we accomplished and succeeded in writing this declaration and the promises within it, and what do we still have to work on?'"
Female, Trans, Nonbinary Thesps Sing & Sign Declararion in '1776' Revival via WTOP
Photo: Joan Marcus via QCity Metro
#1776Musical #Revival #MusicalTheater #MusicalComedy #Theater #LegitimateTheater #KennedyCenter
#1776musical #revival #musicaltheater #musicalcomedy #theater #legitimatetheater #kennedycenter
Theatre Review: "1776: The Musical" at Washington DC's Kennedy Center
'1776' is a rousing, risky rendition of the classic musical.
#1776TheMusical #KennedyCenter #WashingtonDC #TheatreReview #Theatre #Musicals @1776Musical @KennedyCenter
#1776themusical #kennedycenter #washingtondc #theatrereview #theatre #musicals
This should be interesting #KennedyCenter
This should be interesting #KennedyCenter
Theatre Review: "The Lion King" at Washington DC's Kennedy Center
'The Lion King' roars to life in spectacular fashion.
#TheLionKing #KennedyCenter #NationalTour #BroadwayAcrossAmerica @TheLionKing @TheLionKingUSA @KennedyCenter
#thelionking #kennedycenter #nationaltour #broadwayacrossamerica
The #KennedyCenter offers a video subscription of various performances, but it is not clear if that includes every performance. It seems it does not. I emailed them and asked if the three above mentioned performances will be available with their video subscription service but they never got back to me. However, I may have emailed the wrong department. I will have to try again.
The Kennedy Center's 2023-2024 year has lot to offer this term with performances from #HilaryHahn, #CamilleThomas, and #YujaWang. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to a) take off of work and b) afford travel and hotel expenses to see them all. I likely will never get to see them perform. It is times like this that remind me how much I wish my life led down a different path that allowed my to stay in Maryland. #KennedyCenter #classicalmusic
#hilaryhahn #camillethomas #yujawang #kennedycenter #classicalmusic
"Everything is abundance and alive and beautiful and lush. And everything is like a dessert that has 20 layers."
Forgotten (& Unfinished) Opera Bows 280 Years Late via NPR
Photo: Keren Carrión/NPR
#Io #IoOpera #JeanPhilippeRameau #OperaLafayette #KennedyCenter #ElMuseoDelBarrio
#io #ioopera #jeanphilipperameau #operalafayette #kennedycenter #elmuseodelbarrio
Waiting for #AbdullahIbrahim to take the stage at the #KennedyCenter
#abdullahibrahim #kennedycenter
Theatre Review: "Les Misérables" at the Kennedy Center Opera House
'Les Miz' is still the world's most popular musical for a reason
#LesMiz #LesMiserables #KennedyCenter #theatre #musical #MusicalTheatre #NationalTour
#lesmiz #lesmiserables #kennedycenter #theatre #musical #musicaltheatre #nationaltour
It was a great show. It’s a pity that only cable (or cable-equivalent) subscribers could see it.
#KennedyCenter #MarkTwainPrize
#kennedycenter #marktwainprize
I think it’s a real shame that the v #KennedyCenter has the Mark Twain Prize ceremony behind a paywall on CNN after having it free and over the air on PBS for 20 years. Chasing the dollar?
#kennedycenter #marktwainprize
There were giants in the sky #KennedyCenter #IntoTheWoods #DateNight
#kennedycenter #intothewoods #datenight
Totally excited to see #InToTheWoods at the #KennedyCenter we are smiling under our masks!
Theatre Review: "Into the Woods"
The new tour will make all of your hopes and wishes for this show come true.
#IntoTheWoods #KennedyCenter #Theatre #Stage #NationalTour
#intothewoods #kennedycenter #theatre #stage #nationaltour
Checking out #IntoTheWoods tonight at the #KennedyCenter to review! #stage #touring
#intothewoods #kennedycenter #stage #touring