#StarWars Figure of the Day: Day 3,054: Grand Inquisitor (The Retro Collection)
#actionfigures #kenner
#starwars #actionfigures #kenner
In an exclusive interview at #SDCC, Hasbro told us their #TheBookOfBobaFett Retro Collection inspired designers to look back and emulate how #Kenner did things decades ago: https://bobafett.club/sdcc2023hasbro
#BobaFett #FennecShand #Krrsantan #StarWars #BobaFettFanClub #DailyFett
#dailyfett #bobafettfanclub #starwars #krrsantan #fennecshand #bobafett #kenner #thebookofbobafett #sdcc
Leak: Retro ROTJ Randomness with Yak Face and Mon Mothma! #starwars #actionfigures #kenner http://www.galactichunter.com/gh/story/leak-retro-rotj-randomness
#starwars #actionfigures #kenner
Some recent Star Wars figure.
#starwars #returnofthejedi #starwarsblackseries #hansolo #harrisonford #wicket #ewok #warwickdavis #bibfortuna #starwarsfigures #kenner
#kenner #starwarsfigures #bibfortuna #warwickdavis #ewok #Wicket #harrisonford #HanSolo #starwarsblackseries #returnofthejedi #StarWars
#StarWars Figure of the Day: Day 3,046: R2-D2 (The Retro Collection) #kenner #ACTIONFIGURES
#starwars #kenner #actionfigures
I took a break from opening all my #Kenner reproductions from Hasbro - there aren't going to be that many to tide me over until later in the year. Just opened the Tusken Raider, the first in maybe a month. Still looks great, but a lot of detail was washed out and the silver bits on the head are a dead giveaway that it isn't an original. There are other tweaks that make it look like Hasbro's factory kept these in production for decades and the tooling kept being repaired through the years.
#StarWars Figure of the Day: Day 3,042: Jawa (The Retro Collection) for you #Kenner fans.
Q&A: #StarWars New Old #actionfigures and Distribution Issues... Again
#kenner #hasbto #toys
#starwars #actionfigures #kenner #hasbto #toys
Newly arrived Rebel reinforcements from #StanSoloCreations. This is the Rebel Fleet Trooper. The sculpt is amazing and fits right in with original Kenner figures from the late 70's. #StarWarsFigures #VintageToys #ActionFigures #StarWars #Kenner
#stansolocreations #starwarsfigures #vintagetoys #actionfigures #starwars #kenner
#StarWars #ReturnoftheJedi #kenner
Figure of the Day: Day 3,032: Han Solo (Endor, The Retro Collection)
#starwars #returnofthejedi #kenner
On the left, my 1983 Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) from Kenner, complete with nose ding. Yes I've since bought a nicer one, but you're going to see the one I played with as a kid.
On the right, the 2023 rerelease that has different face deco and isn't capable of getting a nose ding as he's molded in the color of his skin.
#kenner #starwars #hasbro #actionfigures #reviewtofollow
Hasbro to End Retro Kenner Marvel Legends 375 Line (For Now) #actionfigures #kenner #hasbro #marvel
#actionfigures #kenner #hasbro #Marvel
My little haul from today’s Toy Fair at Pittodrie. Delighted to fill some gaps in my collections
#toyfair #toycollector #figurehunting #figurecollection #retrotoys #realghostbusters #supernaturals #mask #kenner #aberdeen
#aberdeen #kenner #mask #supernaturals #realghostbusters #retrotoys #figurecollection #figurehunting #toycollector #toyfair
Season 4 begins with the #Care Bears with Ashley from The Magic of the Season and Kim from Planning for Christmas Podcast!
#CARE #totallyradchristmas #radchristmas #planningforchristmas #themagicoftheseason #carebearsnutcrackersuite #nelvana #kenner #americangreetings #80s #80schristmas
Hasbro Fanstream Reveals New #starwars The Retro Collection... And Other Stuff
#starwars #kenner #actionfigures #hasbro #bobafett
We did it! http://www.16bit.com updated. Pat yourself on the back for reading, everybody.
#StarWars questions answered! It's Q&A time.
Review: Hasbro #Marvel Legends 375 Moon Knight Action Figure.
Also a Classic Review: Takara-Tomy #BeastSaga GachaBooster General Hawk Knight Action Figure from 2013.
#starwars #marvel #beastsaga #actionfigures #toys #takaratomy #hasbro #kenner