#RPGaDAY2023 Day 26: My favourite character sheet is from the French translation of #Bubblegumshoe. Beside being clear, useful and doing the job, it's also very colorful and very pretty to look at. The picture here shows both recto-verso and that character sheet can also be folded in 3 for better ease of use. @evilhat #KennethHite #EmilyCareBoss @portesimaginaire #Gumshoe #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #RPGaDAY
#RPGaDay #jdr #rpg #ttrpg #GUMSHOE #emilycareboss #kennethhite #bubblegumshoe #rpgaday2023
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 26: My favourite character sheet is from the French translation of #Bubblegumshoe. Beside being clear, useful and doing the job, it's also very colorful and very pretty to look at. The picture here shows both recto-verso and that character sheet can also be folded in 3 for better ease of use. @evilhat #KennethHite #EmilyCareBoss @portesimaginaire #Gumshoe #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #RPGaDAY
#rpgaday2023 #bubblegumshoe #kennethhite #emilycareboss #gumshoe #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #rpgaday
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 20: In 20 years' time, I'll most certainly still be running #NightsBlackAgents, and I've been at for 10 years already. Beyond the #Gumshoe system that I love, I'm a sucker for (see what I did here?) spy stories and technothrillers, with or without vampires. Moreover, this game can easily adapt to the everchanging geopolitical situations around us from the angle of secret agents. Besides, this #ttrpg is absolutely awesome! #rpg #jdr @pelgrane Press #KennethHite #RPGaDAY
#RPGaDay #kennethhite #jdr #rpg #ttrpg #GUMSHOE #NightsBlackAgents #rpgaday2023
#RPGaDAY2023 Day 20: In 20 years' time, I'll most certainly still be running #NightsBlackAgents, and I've been at for 10 years already. Beyond the #Gumshoe system that I love, I'm a sucker for (see what I did here?) spy stories and technothrillers, with or without vampires. Moreover, this game can easily adapt to the everchanging geopolitical situations around us from the angle of secret agents. Besides, this #ttrpg is absolutely awesome! #rpg #jdr @pelgrane Press #KennethHite #RPGaDAY
#rpgaday2023 #NightsBlackAgents #gumshoe #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #kennethhite #rpgaday