65 years ago:
A Night to Remember (UK)
The sinking of the Titanic is presented in a highly realistic fashion in this tense British drama. The disaster is portrayed largely from the perspective of the ocean liner's second officer, Charles Lightoller. Despite numerous warnings about ice, the ship sails on, with Capt. Edward John Smith keep...
#ANighttoRemember #RoyWardBaker #KennethMore #RobertAyres #HonorBlackman #ClassicMovies
#anighttoremember #roywardbaker #kennethmore #robertayres #honorblackman #classicmovies
73 years ago:
Chance of a Lifetime
The workers in a small plough factory take over the firm, but when a large order falls through, the old management come back to help out.
#ChanceofaLifetime #KennethMore #GeoffreyKeen #PatrickTroughton #ClassicFilm
#chanceofalifetime #kennethmore #geoffreykeen #PatrickTroughton #classicfilm
69 years ago:
Doctor in the House (UK)
The first of the seven "Doctor" films, based on Richard Gordon's novels and released between 1954 and 1970. Simon Sparrow is a newly arrived medical student at St Swithin's hospital in London. Falling in with three longer-serving hopefuls he is soon immersed in the wooing, imbibing and fast sports-...
#DoctorintheHouse #RalphThomas #DirkBogarde #KennethMore #DonaldSinden #Movies
#doctorinthehouse #ralphthomas #dirkbogarde #kennethmore #donaldsinden #movies
64 years ago:
The 39 Steps (UK)
In London, a diplomat accidentally becomes involved in the death of a British agent who's after a spy ring that covets British military secrets.
#The39Steps #KennethMore #BarryJones #BarbaraSteele #Film
#the39steps #kennethmore #barryjones #barbarasteele #film
63 years ago:
Sink the Bismarck! (UK)
The story of the breakout of the German battleship Bismarck—accompanied by the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen—during the early days of World War II. The Bismarck and her sister ship, Tirpitz, were the most powerful battleships in the European theater of World War II. The British Navy must find and destro...
#SinktheBismarck #LewisGilbert #KennethMore #DanaWynter #LaurenceNaismith #20thCenturyFox #ClassicFilm
#sinkthebismarck #lewisgilbert #kennethmore #danawynter #laurencenaismith #20thcenturyfox #classicfilm
70 years ago:
The Yellow Balloon (UK)
A young boy is blackmailed by a crook who saw him unwittingly cause his friend's death.
#TheYellowBalloon #JLeeThompson #AndrewRay #KennethMore #WilliamSylvester #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#theyellowballoon #jleethompson #andrewray #kennethmore #williamsylvester #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
RT @daveainsworth63@twitter.com
Film of the day - North West Frontier (1959) Successful adventure film starring Kenneth More, Lauren Bacall, Herbert Lom and I S Johar. The film was nominated for three BAFTAs @TalkingPicsTV@twitter.com 2.25pm this afternoon #KennethMore #LaurenBacall #HerbertLom
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/daveainsworth63/status/1611993882366992384
#kennethmore #laurenbacall #herbertlom