Meteor Red Marguerite Daisy
Photographed at Longwood Gardens
#Photography #FlowerPhotography #Daisy #LongwoodGardens #KennettSquare
#photography #flowerphotography #daisy #longwoodgardens #kennettsquare
Aurora Light Blue Delphinium
Photographed at Longwood Gardens
As I was photographing the delphinium several people asked me if they were the blue poppies. I said no - and gave them directions on where to find the blue poppies - adding - they're easy to find - just look for all the tripods 🤣😂
#Delphinium #FlowerPhotography #Flower #Photography #LongwoodGardens #KennettSquare
#delphinium #flowerphotography #flower #photography #longwoodgardens #kennettsquare
Blue Poppy
Photographed at Longwood Gardens
#BluePoppy #FlowerPhotography #Photography #LongwoodGardens #KennettSquare
#bluepoppy #flowerphotography #photography #longwoodgardens #kennettsquare
Christmas at the du Pont House at Longwood Gardens
#longwoodgardens #christmasatlongwood #kennettsquare
Tree in the Music Room at Longwood Gardens
#longwoodgardens #christmasatlongwood #kennettsquare
Christmas in the Exhibition Hall
#longwoodgardens #christmasatlongwood #kennettsquare