Minor Key . Net Playlist 8/6/23
#SonnyRollins #ArtBlakey, #KennyDrew #MilesDavis #JackieMcLean #WalterBisho, #TommyPotter #AlinaIbragimova #CharlesMingus
#Jazz #Violin #Violinist #JazzMusic #Mendelssohn #Shostakovich #ClassicalMusic #RomanticComposer #composer #Cello #Cellist #Concerto #Playlist
#sonnyrollins #artblakey #kennydrew #milesdavis #jackiemclean #walterbisho #tommypotter #alinaibragimova #charlesmingus #jazz #violin #violinist #jazzmusic #mendelssohn #shostakovich #classicalmusic #romanticcomposer #composer #cello #cellist #concerto #playlist
#NowPlaying #SonnyRollins with The Modern #Jazz Quartet, #ArtBlakey, and #KennyDrew. An album simply titled, Sonny Rollins With #TheModernJazzQuartet. #JazzMusic
#nowplaying #sonnyrollins #jazz #artblakey #kennydrew #themodernjazzquartet #jazzmusic
1973 - Newport Jazz Festival - Belgrade : #OscarPeterson Trio, #SarahVaughan, B.B. King, Young Giants of Jazz (Jimmy Owens, #JoeHenderson, #GaryBurton, #CedarWalton, Larry Ridley, #RoyHaynes), #MilesDavis, #RolandKirk, #ArtFarmer & #KennyDrew Quartet
#oscarpeterson #sarahvaughan #joehenderson #garyburton #cedarwalton #royhaynes #milesdavis #rolandkirk #artfarmer #kennydrew #jazz
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #TheJazzShowWithJamieCullum
Kenny Drew:
🎵 Many Miles Away
#nowplaying #TheJazzShowWithJamieCullum #kennydrew
man, the solos on this are just amazing. Everybody.
#blueTrain #johnColtrane #leeMorgan #curtisFuller #kennyDrew #paulChambers #phillyJoeJones
One of my favorite tracks on a favorite album.
#bluetrain #johncoltrane #leemorgan #curtisfuller #kennydrew #paulchambers #phillyjoejones #jazz #nowlistening