We were testing out an old electric blanket to see if it still works. Kuiper has the answer.
Also, shameless plug for my fave brand of near beers: Athletic Brewing. They make great beers; not just great N/A beers! Stouts, brown ales, Belgian wheat, Mexican lager...Even different types of IPAs that don't taste like cat piss on a freshly cut lawn! #Prost! #Skål! #Salúd! #Kenpai! #Cheers!
#beer #BeerSnob #CatsOfMastodon #RemiAndKuiper #NewYear #CaliSober #stoner #FreeBeer 🔗https://fbuy.io/athleticbrew/travisjohnson
#prost #skal #salud #kenpai #cheers #beer #beersnob #catsofmastodon #remiandkuiper #newyear #calisober #stoner #freebeer