Global News BC: Cost of new PNE Amphitheatre balloons to $103.7 million, up more than 60% #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PNEamphithreatrebudget #PNEamphitheatrecosts #newPNEamphitheatre #Vancouvercouncil #CityofVancouver #PNEAmphitheatre #Entertainment #Politics #KenSim #PNE
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #pneamphithreatrebudget #pneamphitheatrecosts #newpneamphitheatre #Vancouvercouncil #CityofVancouver #pneamphitheatre #entertainment #politics #kensim #pne
Global News BC: Budget outlook warns Vancouver could face 9% annual property tax hikes #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouverpropertytaxincrease #vancouver2024budgetoutlook #vancouver9%propertytax #vancouverbudgetoutlook #PropertyTaxIncrease #vancouerpropertytax #Vancouverbudget #vancouvertax #Vancouver #Politics #Economy #KenSim
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverpropertytaxincrease #vancouver2024budgetoutlook #vancouver9 #vancouverbudgetoutlook #propertytaxincrease #vancouerpropertytax #Vancouverbudget #vancouvertax #Vancouver #politics #economy #kensim
Global News BC: Vancouver mayor Ken Sim talks public safety, homelessness as the city gets ready to host FIFA 2026 #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DowntownEastside #Homelessness #JulieNolin #Addiction #Granville #Vancouver #FIFA2026 #Canada #KenSim #Dubai #Mayor
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #DowntownEastside #homelessness #julienolin #addiction #Granville #Vancouver #fifa2026 #Canada #kensim #dubai #mayor
Global News BC: More pedestrians, fewer cars pitched in plan to revitalize Vancouver’s Gastown #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Gastownimprovementplan #Gastownpedestrianonly #NocarsonWaterStreet #DowntownVancouver #Car-freeGastown #CityofVancouver #SarahKirby-Yung #GastownBIA #Politics #Gastown #KenSim
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #gastownimprovementplan #gastownpedestrianonly #nocarsonwaterstreet #DowntownVancouver #car #CityofVancouver #sarahkirby #gastownbia #politics #Gastown #kensim
Global News BC: Vancouver’s Chinatown seeing change 6 months after new mayor elected on revitalization pledge #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vancouverchinatownimprovement #chinatownrevitalization #vancouverchinatownchaos #VancouverChinatowncrime #VancouverChinatown #abcvancouver #Chinatown #Canada #KenSim
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverchinatownimprovement #chinatownrevitalization #vancouverchinatownchaos #vancouverchinatowncrime #VancouverChinatown #abcvancouver #Chinatown #Canada #kensim
Global News BC: Vancouver mayor strikes task force to go over budget with ‘fine-toothed comb’ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vancouverbudgettaskforce #vancouverbudgetreview #VancouverPolitics #Mayors'TaskForce #budgettaskforce #CityofVancouver #Vancouverbudget #VancouverMayor #Vancouver #Politics #KenSim #Mayor
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverbudgettaskforce #vancouverbudgetreview #VancouverPolitics #mayors #budgettaskforce #CityofVancouver #Vancouverbudget #vancouvermayor #Vancouver #politics #kensim #mayor
Global News BC: ‘Troubled’ Eby seeks CSIS briefing on election interference #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #electioninterference #Chineseinterference #MunicipalPolitics #VancouverPolitics #Chinainfluence #Interference #Politics #DavidEby #Election #politics #KenSim #China
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #electioninterference #Chineseinterference #municipalpolitics #VancouverPolitics #chinainfluence #interference #politics #DavidEby #election #kensim #china
Beaverton: City of Vancouver will no longer pay a living wage, affected employees encouraged to cut back on living #satire #canada #commentary #BritishColumbia #FeaturedPost #CityCouncil #employment #livingwage #Vancouver #KenSim
#satire #Canada #commentary #BritishColumbia #FeaturedPost #citycouncil #employment #livingwage #Vancouver #kensim
Global News BC: City, Vancouver police and B.C. gov to make mental health services, public safety announcement #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MentalHealthServices #Vancouverannoucement #addictiontreatment #CityofVancouver #BCpublicsafety #BCannoucement #BCgovernment #Vancouver #Politics #DavidEby #Canada #Health #KenSim #Crime #Eby #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #mentalhealthservices #vancouverannoucement #addictiontreatment #CityofVancouver #bcpublicsafety #bcannoucement #BCgovernment #Vancouver #politics #DavidEby #Canada #health #kensim #crime #Eby #BC
Global News BC: Temporary tax on short-term accommodations to help fund Vancouver FIFA World Cup 2026 #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #shorttermaccommodationstaxvancouver #short-termaccommodationstax #B.C.ministryoffinance #FIFAWorldCup2026 #CityofVancouver #VancouverEvent #BCgovernment #FIFAWorldCup #Vancouver #WorldCup #Canada #Sports #KenSim #FIFA #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #shorttermaccommodationstaxvancouver #short #b #fifaworldcup2026 #CityofVancouver #VancouverEvent #BCgovernment #FIFAWorldCup #Vancouver #worldcup #Canada #sports #kensim #fifa #BC
Global News BC: Vancouver mayor vows to axe controversial single-use cup fee by summer #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #singleusecupfee #vancouvercupfee #disposablecup #abcvancouver #singleusecup #Environment #coffeecup #Politics #Garbage #cupfee #KenSim
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #singleusecupfee #vancouvercupfee #disposablecup #abcvancouver #singleusecup #environment #coffeecup #politics #garbage #cupfee #kensim
Global News BC: Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim to deliver first ‘State of the City’ address #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #GreaterVancouverBoardofTrade #vancouvermayorspeech #VancouverPolitics #StateOfTheCity #VancouverMayor #Politics #politics #KenSim #Mayor
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #greatervancouverboardoftrade #vancouvermayorspeech #VancouverPolitics #stateofthecity #vancouvermayor #politics #kensim #mayor
Global News BC: Vancouver’s last 2 homeless camps cost the city $6M, the cost of 2 more has yet to be calculated #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vancouverhomelesscampcosts #vancouverhomelesscosts #vancouverhomelesscamp #Vancouverhomeless #CityofVancouver #Homelessness #vancouvrer #DavidEby #Homeless #Unhoused #Canada #KenSim
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverhomelesscampcosts #vancouverhomelesscosts #vancouverhomelesscamp #Vancouverhomeless #CityofVancouver #homelessness #vancouvrer #DavidEby #homeless #Unhoused #Canada #kensim
Global News BC: VPD chief responds to allegations officers interfered in crash investigation #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vnacouverpoliceinterference #InterferenceInvestigation #VancouverPoliceBoard #VancouverPoliceChief #vancouverpolice #PoliceBoard #AdamPalmer #Vancouver #KenSim #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vnacouverpoliceinterference #interferenceinvestigation #VancouverPoliceBoard #vancouverpolicechief #vancouverpolice #policeboard #adampalmer #Vancouver #kensim #crime
Global News BC: City seeks new service provider to help clean Downtown Eastside after axing VANDU contract #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #downtowneastsidecleaning #cityofvancouvercontract #DowntownEastside #socialenterprise #CityofVancouver #StreetCleaning #microcleaning #Vancouver #Politics #Canada #KenSim #VANDU #DTES
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #downtowneastsidecleaning #cityofvancouvercontract #DowntownEastside #socialenterprise #CityofVancouver #streetcleaning #microcleaning #Vancouver #politics #Canada #kensim #vandu #dtes
Global News BC: B.C. Premier David Eby, housing minister and Vancouver mayor to make housing announcement Wednesday #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DowntownEastside #Vancouverhousing #housingminister #tentencampments #B.C.government #RaviKahlon #Lifestyle #BCHousing #Vancouver #Politics #DavidEby #Economy #Canada #Health #KenSim #Eby #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #DowntownEastside #Vancouverhousing #housingminister #tentencampments #b #RaviKahlon #lifestyle #BCHousing #Vancouver #politics #DavidEby #economy #Canada #health #kensim #Eby #BC
Global News BC: Vancouver park board to vote on removing separated Stanley Park bike lane #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news ##VancouverBoardofParksandRecreation #StanleyParkBikeLane #VancouverParkBoard #CityofVancouver #StanleParkDrive #StanleyPark #Politics #KenSim
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #VancouverBoardofParksandRecreation #StanleyParkBikeLane #VancouverParkBoard #CityofVancouver #StanleParkDrive #stanleypark #politics #kensim
@accretor Soon as #KenSim was elected Mayor of #Vancouver -- a city boasting one of the largest #LGBTQ communities in North America -- he stopped having the "luxury" of turning a blind to the fundamental #HumanRights abuses in #Qatar, where dissidents are routinely disappeared, women lead extremely proscribed lives and being LGBTQ+ earns a prison term. Qatar is also infamous for its mistreatment of the very migrant labourers who will have built #WorldCup2022. Ken Sim should tear up his tickets.
#kensim #Vancouver #lgbtq #humanrights #Qatar #WorldCup2022