Two games I’ve fallen in love with recently are #DeathStranding and #KentuckyRouteZero.
Put about 40 hours or so into DS on PS5 and it’s just the right amount of weird and just the right amount of chill for me. I love it.
Just started KRZ on Switch and I’m already in love with it as well. So surprised, I don’t know how this has flown under my radar for so long. I can already tell this is going to be a profound experience. Haven’t really felt that in a game since #DiscoElysium.
#deathstranding #kentuckyroutezero #discoelysium
I brividi, miglior momento in un qualsiasi videogioco, potrei pure osar dire
#KentuckyRouteZero #BacklogPass
#kentuckyroutezero #BacklogPass
Woah, was ne schöne Szene... 😍
Kentucky Route Zero.
Da sind ja tatsächlich Bären im dritten Stock vom Bürogebäude 🤣🤣🤣
#kentuckyroutezero #xbox #gaming
#Netflix hat mittlerweile eine ganz ordentliche Auswahl an #MobileGames.
Hier meine Favoriten:
#Reigns: Three Kingdoms
#Scriptic: Crime Stories
#netflix #mobilegames #intothebreach #Reigns #immortality #twelveminutes #kentuckyroutezero #scriptic
@IanMoore3000 you shouldn’t worry about the choices that you make in #KentuckyRouteZero , do what feels right and just let the feeling of the road trip take over.
About 18 hours since I finished #KentuckyRouteZero again, and I am yet to recover from it. I want to yell about this game to anyone willing to listen.
Had to take a break from #KentuckyRouteZero because Act IV was devastating especially after about five previous playthroughs under my belt.
I’m on my fifth? Or maybe sixth play through of #KentuckyRouteZero and I keep finding details and fragments that I’ve missed previously. It is so relentlessly tragic. The game never lets up, it never sensationalises the tragic, neither does it sanitise the rot that is endemic to the people living on the surface or on the Zero. Its sadness is deeper than its grit.
Accident, tragedy and shame - all are true to how I feel. #KentuckyRouteZero
I got to know about #KentuckyRouteZero somewhere around 2015 and I waited five years to play the complete game, avoiding all spoilers and discourse surrounding it. It is littered with interactions like these, and ever since I first played the game they’ve found a way to creep into my thoughts everyday. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it, I’ve driven my friends up the wall with this obsession and it’s unlikely that I’ll stop anytime soon.
@IanMoore3000 thanks for supporting the developers, the game deserves a lot pf love. I hope you enjoy #KentuckyRouteZero
Pues me descargué #KentuckyRouteZero que estaba disponible para jugar en Netflix y bueno... menudo viaje, me he quedado un poco como la mona esa blanca del meme entendiendo entre poco y nada de lo que es este juego 🙃
#KentuckyRouteZero gratis con #Netflix ma di cosa stiamo parlando, voglio parlare con chi sta curando la linea dei giochi perché tirano fuori cose magnifiche onestamente
Finalizei #kentuckyroutezero e que jogo incrível! Chorei muito! Que narrativa sensacional. Vou ficar pensando por vários dias sobre este jogo.