Another #Earth.
On July 23, 2015, the #KeplerSpaceTelescope has confirmed the first near-Earth-size planet in the “habitable zone” around a #Sun-like #Star, called #Kepler452b. This discovery and the introduction of 11 other small habitable zone candidate planets marked a milestone of searching for habitable #Exoplanets.
Learn more about “Earth 2.0”: ⬇️
*photos of #Kepler452 and Kepler-452b are artist’s concept
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#earth #keplerspacetelescope #sun #star #kepler452b #exoplanets #kepler452 #SpaceMastodon #space #astronomy #Astrodon #sciencemastodon #sciencedon #science
Nelle strade, sul palco: le/i lavoratrici/ori Gkn sbarcano in città [foto] #Benicomuni,territorieambiente #collettivodifabbricagkn #Redditoelottesociali #Lavoroeprecarietà #AcabnewsBologna #Arteespettacolo #arenadelsole #ilcapitale #Movimenti #22ottobre #kepler452 #Cronaca #teatro #gkn
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