It seems like they opened up traffic for some vessels under the #kerch bridge. This is the Russian ship Siberin 4 on its way to Turkey . Pictures before and after the passage.
It seems the passage under the #kerch bridge is still closed to sea traffic. This Norwegian tanker bound for Port Taman has stopped sailing.
Seems to be a bit of a traffic jam at the #Kerch bridge
Good morning to readers, #Kyiv remains in #Ukrainian hands.
Overnight a sea drone struck a #Russian tanker near the critical #Kerch Bridge that connects occupied Crimea with Russia.
But we start today with a video series profiling a day in the life of an *aerial* #drone operator.
#kyiv #ukrainian #russian #kerch #drone
Wow ça va tellement loin la propagande pro-ukr avec les IA et puis faut suivre parce qu'il y a de l'auto référence à un premier montage vidéo viral célébrant la frappe d'octobre 2022 sur le pont de #Kerch en #Crimée. L'extrait vidéo où les gens font "na na na" en sautant avait déjà été utilisé à l'époque avec la même musique. La chanson originale est Free from desire (1996 de Gala).
#BBCNews - #Ukraine says it launched July attack on #bridge to #Crimea
#kerch #KerchBridge
#bbcnews #ukraine #bridge #crimea #kerch #kerchbridge
I'm missing something.
Some people seem to be reluctant to talk about the "Kirch bridge" and instead call it the "Crimea bridge". Or something more like the (I exaggerate) "illegal and dangerous because it's-a-military-target Crimea bridge".
Why the reluctance to call it by the geography that locates it? I could see if it were named after Putin. Though even then that would suggest very clearly that it be a military target.
#KerchBridge #kerch #ukraine #putin #crimea
Today's top ten tag trends:
10: #mh17
9: #EUCELACSummit
8: #mondaymotivation
7: #worldemojiday
6: #Photomonday
5: #kerch
4: #KerchBridge
3: #Fotomontag
2: #crimea
1: #oddweddinginvitations
#mh17 #eucelacsummit #mondaymotivation #worldemojiday #photomonday #kerch #kerchbridge #fotomontag #crimea #oddweddinginvitations
#Ucraina attacco a ponte di #Crimea
Sul ponte morta una coppia che stava andando in vacanza in Crimea
Alexey e Natalya Kulik, si chiamavano così i due coniugi rimasti uccisi la notte scorsa durante l’attacco del ponte di #Kerch, in Crimea. La donna lavorava nel dipartimento dell’istruzione nella regione di Belgorod, aveva 36 anni, l’uomo lavorava come camionista, aveva 40 anni, la figlia di 14 anni, che era in macchina con loro, è rimasta ferita.
Fatto Quotidiano
@Tendar Clearer pictures of the destroyed span of the Kerch Bridge. It is the side leading from Russia to the temporarily occupied peninsula.
That bridge section will not be operational for the rest of the year and we will see what will come next. It is obvious that Russians cannot protect this valuable and military target.
Warum die Beschädigung der #Kerch Brücke so wichtig ist:
Alle Nachschubrouten der RUAF verlaufen über den Landwerk südlich der Hauptfrontlinie der UAF Gegenoffensive. Ziviler Ausweichverkehr und Armee Logistik verstopfen diese Landroute und verschlechtern die generelle Nachschubsituation an der Front und in der #Krim . Diese hängt dann an einem seidenen Faden, wenn es an irgendeiner Stelle einen Durchbruch gibt und diese Route gekappt wird. Drohendes #Kherson 2.0 für die RUAF.
Oh, ob das nun das Finale einläuten der Offensive ist? Es gibt leider auch Bilder von zivilen Opfern. Schaut sie euch nicht an.
From: @Tendar
@Free_Press #Ukraine has launched a missile attack on the #Kerch bridge and this has resulted in at least one bridge section being severely damaged. 😊
Since five o'clock in the morning, traffic has been completely stopped.
#Crimea belongs to Ukraine.