Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Fetus-Stealing Anti-Abortion Activist Is Found Guilty of Blockading D.C. Clinic #Jezebel #abortionintheunitedstates #antiabortionmovements #antiabortionviolence #lawoftheunitedstates #williamgoodman #abortionclinic #kermitgosnell #herbgeraghty #heatheridoni #hazeljenkins #martincannon #laurenhandy #johnhinshaw #abortion #samalito #lawcrime
#jezebel #abortionintheunitedstates #antiabortionmovements #antiabortionviolence #lawoftheunitedstates #williamgoodman #abortionclinic #kermitgosnell #herbgeraghty #heatheridoni #hazeljenkins #martincannon #laurenhandy #johnhinshaw #abortion #samalito #lawcrime
@wjmaggos I think many cared but weren't vocal, but also #JeffreyEpstein sort of exposed how prevalent sex trafficking really is in the #USA. IMHO, that seems to be the nexus. Kinda similar to how we didn't really see tons of people shooting up abortion clinics until #KermitGosnell got exposed for keeping the body parts of babies in jars.
But this is a very typical trend for things like this. Nobody in the #USA cared about terrorism until the 9/11 attacks. #EmmettTill's vicious murder was a turning point in the civil rights movement. When people hear about extreme cases of egregious behavior, they are more likely to care about less severe instances of similar things happening.
#jeffreyepstein #usa #kermitgosnell #emmetttill