Heute 6.4er #kernel auf meinem Notebook installiert und das erst Mal seit Jahren nach Neustart in #kernelpanic gerannt. Hab jetzt wieder den Vorgänger am laufen. Eigentlich müsste ich noch ein paar Server updaten. Aber das lass ich erstmal. #debian #bookworm
#kernel #kernelpanic #debian #bookworm
#linux #kernelpanic #cve # This article is very well written and funny but worrying because it seems that Linux is a wee bit too complex for me. Is this not a great example of the power of open source? #cve2023 #CVE20232156 https://www.interruptlabs.co.uk/articles/linux-ipv6-route-of-death
#linux #kernelpanic #cve #cve2023 #cve20232156
Finally got my linux env set back up after a few months of intermittently battling a kernel compatibility issue and intermittently not having the headspace to deal with it.
Getting my dev flow set back up, learning to commit often (working w/ git on 2 machines is always my downfall) and I have to say...
I may finally be learning to love VSCode.
Really never thought I'd see the day.
#drstrangelove #linux #webdev #php #kernelpanic
Shutting down in order to restart after installation of mint... #kernelpanic
Decided "oooh let me take a break and install Linux.." - after a quick search decided on #Arcolinux for this NUC -- why not.
Anyway it booted up an error.
Grabbed a different keyboard in case it was my dumb ass (always can be, and generally is). Nothing.
Decided to go back to NixOS since its been booted up on this unit so I've at least "seen" it in action right? Just couldn't install without a WiFi card.
Anyway #KernelPanic
Tried a couple of things but honestly think it could be the WiFi card since that little CD came with it. Drivers, I guess?
Checked Amazon for any further details and.. whats this? Doesn't work with Linux? 🙄😵💫🥴
Back to studying but I, for one am annoyed. Hope this is silly since some folks noted they ran this on a laptop with Debian and so on. 🫤
After updating apps in @elementary store I get a Kernel Panic. Anyone an idea? #Linux #kernelpanic I'm a bit "panic" myself now.
Oof. Server update isn't off to a great start.
It's only been 2 days since I updated and I've already had my first kernel panic.
I suspect it's related to something in the Docker networking stack, as I've seen something similar in the past.
#linux #unraid #osupgrade #kernelpanic
Alla fine dopo aver ottenuto il terzo #kernelpanic grazie a #Whalebird ho disinstallato l'applicazione e mi godo #Mastodon dal browser, davvero pessima un'applicazione capace di mettere KO un intero sistema operativo e pessimo anche il sistema operativo direi, che si fa mettere KO da un'applicazione invece di chiuderla #linux
#kernelpanic #whalebird #mastodon #linux
Leí que si le pasas panic=60 como parámetro a linux al bootear se resetea solito 60 segundos después del eventual panic. Lo quiero. #linux #kernelpanic
What to do when your Mac has a kernel panic
#troubleshooting #kernelpanic #Technology #diagnosis #paniclog #crash #macOS #Macs
#troubleshooting #kernelpanic #technology #diagnosis #paniclog #crash #macos #macs
Should you risk or resist Ventura Public Beta?
#kernelpanic #Technology #Feedback #recovery #macOS13 #Ventura #Apple #Macs #beta
#kernelpanic #technology #feedback #recovery #macOS13 #ventura #Apple #macs #beta
Guys from the #itsupport remotly installed a new #linux kernel on my #ubuntu2004 machine. Now the boot process ends up with a #kernelpanic.
Didn't have that on my private machine for at least 10yrs.
#kernelpanic #ubuntu2004 #linux #itsupport
Running `sudo zypper dup` created the initramfs / initrd.
I can boot into 5.17.4-1-default without any #kernelpanic!
Guess, cleaning up old ones played a part in resolving this.
Running `sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg` indicated a missing initrd for the latest kernel versions.
Guess that explains the #kernelpanic on my #opensuse.
Hm, but why is `sudo mkinitrd` not generating one? 🤔