Happy St Piran's Day, Cornwall!
Gool Peran Lowen!
#StPiransDay #Cornwall #Kernow #Kernewek #Kernowek
#stpiransday #cornwall #kernow #kernewek #kernowek
Deth da, ty woky! Happy St Piran's Day, one and all!
#saintpiransday #Cornwall #kernow #kernowek
#newbooks #novel #HistoricalFiction #historicalnovel #Cornwall #fiction #Kernow #language #celtic #Kernewek #kernowek
#newbooks #novel #historicalfiction #historicalnovel #cornwall #fiction #kernow #language #celtic #kernewek #kernowek
Facal Meadhan Ghàidhlig an latha:
Dris - bramble, briar, thornbush, an argumentative person.
#gaidhlig - dris
#gaeilge - dris
#cymraeg - drysi (from dyrys, "tangled, thorny")
#kernowek - dreys
#brezhoneg - drez
"Am fear a bhios fearg air a ghnà 's coltach a ghnè ris an dris."
He who is always angry is of nature like the bramble.
#gaidhlig #gaeilge #cymraeg #kernowek #brezhoneg
Want some cool music in #Cornish? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEqrLirgtME #Kernewek #Kernowek #Kernow #Cornwall #cornishmusic
#cornish #kernewek #kernowek #kernow #cornwall #cornishmusic
Medieval Irish - Marc, generally more poetic word for "'horse" than ech or capall
#kernowek - margh
#cymraeg - march
#brezhoneg - marc'h
#gaidhlig - marc
#gaeilge - marc (archaic)
#IndoEurpoean - *márkos ( a horse)
#English - mare
Marcsluagh - a body of cavalry or mounted infantry
Marccír - a horse-comb
Marcach - a horse-rider, a messenger
"Cha ghabh i coisiche, 's cha tig marcaiche 'g a h-iarraidh."
She wont take a walker, and a rider wont come for her.
#kernowek #cymraeg #brezhoneg #gaidhlig #gaeilge #indoeurpoean #english
Here is an anthem for the Cornish language I wrote a few years ago - sung by Simon Glanville https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLitC5h8BhQ #Kernow #Kernowek #Kernewek #Cornwall #Cornishmusic
#kernow #kernowek #kernewek #cornwall #cornishmusic
Facal Meadhan Ghàilig an latha:
Olann - wool
#gaidhlig - olann
#gaeilge - olann
#Scots - Oose
#cymraeg - gwlân
#brezhoneg - gloan
#kernowek - gwlan
Proto Celtic - wlāna
#Latin - lāna
"Moran sgalan, 's beagan olainn, mu'n thuairt Muisein 's e lomadh na muice."
Much cry and little wool as the Devil said when he sheared the boar.
#gaidhlig #gaeilge #scots #cymraeg #brezhoneg #kernowek #latin
Facal Meadhan Ghàidhlig an latha:
Tarb - a bull; the thigh were it thickens at the top, loin, buttocks; strong, great, furious
#gaidhlig - tarbh
#gaeilge - tarbh
#cymraeg - tarw
#brezhoneg - tarv
#kernowek - tarow
"Thuit an tarbh coille orra."
The forest bull fell upon them
- A misfortune befell them.
A 'tarbh coille' was a dark cloud, which seen on New Year's eve, portended a stormy season to come. The forest bull is a mythical being that appears in medieval beastiaries.
#gaidhlig #gaeilge #cymraeg #brezhoneg #kernowek
Facal Meadhan Ghàidhlig an latha:
Connad - firewood, split wood, fuel, kindling
#gaeilge - Connadh
#gàidhlig - Connaidh
#cymraeg - Cynnud
#brezhoneg - Keuneud
#kernowek - Kunys
#proto celtic - *kom-dawyo (to kindle)
"Tha uair a ghille chonnaidh air an latha"
The days are lengthening.
The young boy who collected peat (gille chonnaidh) for the fire had more daylight to complete this duty in the days following the Winter solstice.
#gaeilge #gaidhlig #cymraeg #brezhoneg #kernowek #proto
Facal Meadhan-Ghàidhlig an latha:
Rón - a seal; a sea animal
#gaidhlig - Ròn
#gaeilge - Rón
#gaelg - Raun
#brezhoneg - Reunig
#kernowek - Reun
Proto Celtic - *râno
Is fhada bho'n uair sin, bho'n a bha cluas air ròn.
"Its long since that time when the seal had ears" .
A common phrase when meeting an old acquaintance in Gàidhlig is "Is fhada bhon uair sin" ( It's long since that time).
#gaidhlig #gaeilge #gaelg #brezhoneg #kernowek
Santa Claus is coming to town - in Cornish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSGU945gu6Y #Cornish #Cornwall #Kernow #Kernewek #Kernowek #Nadelik #Christmas
#cornish #cornwall #kernow #kernewek #kernowek #nadelik #christmas
A #Christmas song in #Cornish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KTunW5yDIY #Kernewek #Kernowek #Kernow #Cornwall #Nadelik
#christmas #cornish #kernewek #kernowek #kernow #cornwall #nadelik
For the Cornish language there were 563 (>80% from Cornwall).
#cornish #kernowek
An dra dhien ma alowa skrifa yn Kernowek. Yth esov vy ow skrifa toots.