#KeroKeroBonito Fact #71: Gus has a secret twin brother that has only appeared on Graduation and Well Rested, so Kero Kero Bonito should ACTUALLY be Kero Kero Kero Bonito 😲 #MusicFacts #Music #Pop
#pop #Music #musicfacts #kerokerobonito
I am now listening to Cinema by Kero Kero Bonito #KeroKeroBonito
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MiddayShow
Kero Kero Bonito:
🎵 Pocket Crocodile
#nowplaying #MiddayShow #kerokerobonito
I dig this Kero Kero Bonito album but I got it on vinyl for my 6yo daughter.
K, dancing 💃🏻: “Hey! She’s speaking Japanese and English! … Why!?!”
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Kero Kero Bonito:
🎵 Well Rested
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #kerokerobonito
Kotaku: Your Favorite Musician Just Went Live On Twitch https://kotaku.com/mainstream-video-games-twitch-musicians-tpain-mag-bay-1850056288 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #videogamelivestreaming #technology2cinternet #sarahmidoriperry #videogameculture #nappyboygaming #kerokerobonito #humanbehavior #micatenenbaum #videohosting #matthewlewin #magdalenabay #midoriperry #nerdculture #supermario #rogerebert #twitchtv #cultures #culture #gaohang #twitch #breath #gamer #space #tpain
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #videogamelivestreaming #technology2cinternet #sarahmidoriperry #videogameculture #nappyboygaming #kerokerobonito #humanbehavior #micatenenbaum #videohosting #matthewlewin #magdalenabay #midoriperry #nerdculture #SuperMario #rogerebert #twitchtv #cultures #Culture #gaohang #twitch #breath #gamer #space #tpain
I like #kerokerobonito a lot... but damn I love cryalot! If you haven't heard it, check it out. It's pretty good #music if you ask me 👍
being the first one to use these hashtags. i hope i find more of my tribe here! #KKB #KeroKeroBonito
#Shmu #RaminDjawadi #SeSoNeon #JJDOOM #MFDOOM #Khruangbin #Love #TypeONegative #CatherineWheel #EchoAndTheBunnymen #Teebs #ExitCalm #TySegall #Cheatahs #CloudControl #KeroKeroBonito #PaulThomasSaunders #BalletSchool #LaLey #NickHakim #Tool #TreefightForSunlight #Battles #PalmaViolets #YannTiersen #AgnesObel #ElephantStone #Ultraísta #Ultraista #JagaJazzist #NickCave #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees #Siouxsie #Yuck #AndyBell #FelaKuti #OscarLang #TheAvalanches
#shmu #ramindjawadi #sesoneon #jjdoom #mfdoom #khruangbin #love #typeonegative #catherinewheel #echoandthebunnymen #teebs #exitcalm #tysegall #cheatahs #cloudcontrol #kerokerobonito #paulthomassaunders #balletschool #laley #nickhakim #tool #treefightforsunlight #Battles #palmaviolets #yanntiersen #agnesobel #elephantstone #ultraista #jagajazzist #nickcave #SiouxsieAndTheBanshees #siouxsie #yuck #andybell #felakuti #oscarlang #theavalanches
Sarah Bonito of Kero Kero Bonito
#photo #photography #kkb #kerokerobonito #musicartist #musicphotography #singer
#photo #photography #KKB #kerokerobonito #musicartist #musicphotography #singer
Sarah Bonito of Kero Kero Bonito
#photo #photography #kkb #kerokerobonito #musicartist #musicphotography #singer
#photo #photography #KKB #kerokerobonito #musicartist #musicphotography #singer