I'm not keeping track but I feel like literally every magazine we've looked at has news of Gillan leaving Purple, Gillan rejoining Purple, or Purple splitting up for good
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #MetalHammer #ClassicRock
#Poison #DeepPurple #BretMichaels #Cher #Queen #SpinalTap #TheGrip #LastCrack #SohoRoses #VanHalen #Gillan
#gillan #vanhalen #sohoroses #lastcrack #thegrip #spinaltap #queen #cher #bretmichaels #deeppurple #poison #classicrock #MetalHammer #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
New episode coming tomorrow. May or may not include references to Sheffield's finest export.
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #Rock #MetalHammer #Rock #ClassicRock #DefLeppard #GunsNRoses #alicecooper
#alicecooper #gunsnroses #defleppard #classicrock #MetalHammer #rock #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
Can I Pod With Madness episode 12
Metal Hammer Vol 2, No 12, (Oct 29, 1987) - Female Induced Moshability
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #Rock #MetalHammer #Rock #ClassicRock #DefLeppard #GunsNRoses #AxlRose #PaulStanley #IceAge #KISS #DefLeppard
#kiss #iceage #paulstanley #axlrose #gunsnroses #defleppard #classicrock #MetalHammer #rock #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
Can I interest you in a Metal Hammer umbrella
Can I Pod With Madness episode 12
Metal Hammer Vol 2, No 12, (Oct 29, 1987) - Female Induced Moshability
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #Rock #MetalHammer #Rock #ClassicRock #DefLeppard #GunsNRoses #AxlRose #PaulStanley #IceAge #KISS #DefLeppard #AliceCooper #Winger #SteelPanther #Warlock #Doro #TopofthePops #1987 #Halloween #Rush #FantasyArt
#fantasyart #rush #halloween #topofthepops #doro #warlock #SteelPanther #winger #alicecooper #kiss #iceage #paulstanley #axlrose #gunsnroses #defleppard #classicrock #MetalHammer #rock #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
Contents page, Metal Hammer Vol 2, No 12, (Oct 29, 1987)
I guess we covered about 20% of what's in here. But what page are you turning to first, back on Halloween 1987?
Can I Pod With Madness episode 12 - Female Induced Moshability
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #Rock #MetalHammer #Rock #ClassicRock #DefLeppard #GunsNRoses #AxlRose #PaulStanley #IceAge #KISS #DefLeppard #AliceCooper #Warlock #Doro #TopofthePops #1987 #Halloween #Rush #FantasyArt
#fantasyart #rush #halloween #topofthepops #doro #warlock #alicecooper #kiss #iceage #paulstanley #axlrose #gunsnroses #defleppard #classicrock #MetalHammer #rock #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
PWM12 Metal Hammer Vol 2, No 12, (Oct 29, 87) - Female Induced Moshability
Doro adorns the cover of this, the earliest edition of Metal Hammer we own. It's Halloween and there's weird stuff going on though not the kind of weird stuff you might expect.
Check out the podcast here:
#Podcast #Metal #HeavyMetal #Kerrang #80s #Rock #MetalHammer #Rock #ClassicRock #DefLeppard #GunsNRoses #IceAge #KISS #DefLeppard #AliceCooper #Winger #SteelPanther #TopofthePops #Rush
#rush #topofthepops #SteelPanther #winger #alicecooper #kiss #iceage #gunsnroses #defleppard #classicrock #MetalHammer #rock #80s #kerrang #heavymetal #metal #podcast
May i direct your attention to our latest podcast: Kerrang 248 (July 22, 1989) - Get off Bad Company’s dick, Andrea!
There’s money off Wolfsbane down at Little Kathy Wilson’s place! Lisa Dominique looms large over this issue, but doesn’t get the cover, and a 9 year old is shredding on the guitar - and for some reason David Lee Roth finds it a threat!
Direct link: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-t6a8x-13cb31c
#Kerrang #testament #Wolfsbane #lisadominique #badcompany #80srock
#80srock #badcompany #lisadominique #wolfsbane #testament #kerrang #metalpodcast #podcast #podwithmadness
In our difficult second podcast we tackle Kerrang 181 (April 2, 1988) HEAD ON! Alice Cooper is a troubled man for troubled times, but whither Head Over Heels, Kooga and The Grip?
Are It Bites actually from the 90s?
Which band is canon in the Nightmare on Elm Street universe?
The unsettling horror of Richard Marx.
Also a Black Sabbath story that will shock you to the core! Sorry... kore.
Join us for a SAXON CHRISTMAS, on Can I Pod With Madness.
#blacksabbath #alicecooper #kerrang #metal
In our next pod, coming this Wednesday, we tackle an extremely WTF story from '88
#podwithmadness #podcast #Kerrang #HeavyMetal #blacksabbath #tomjones
#TomJones #blacksabbath #heavymetal #kerrang #podcast #podwithmadness
Looking back at some of my now ancient #Kerrang! reviews... I was, for a while, the one they sent all the underground #metal CDs to cover.
It was my second ever paid writing gig. And I wasn't all that bad, really. My lurid, #gonzo writing style was all present and correct. But it was not to last.
I got driven out by some really nasty little public schoolboy, who soon flounced out himself when they didn't make him editor. It stalled everything for me, or rather, that young man I once was.
Reading some of my now ancient reviews for #Kerrang!, where I was briefly the chap they sent all the underground #metal CDs.
I... wasn't bad at all, considering it was my second ever paid writing gig. My lurid, #gonzo writing style was all present and correct; but it's not about whether you're good, or even interesting.
#RockNRoll rebellion only goes so far. I was soon driven out by a really nasty little public school boy, who then flounced out himself because they wouldn't make him editor.
#kerrang #metal #gonzo #rocknroll
Kerrang vient de sortir un long et passionnant article sur mon artiste préférée du moment, A.A Williams.
Une lecture qui permet d'en apprendre plus sur cette artiste incroyable, ainsi que son univers sombre et mélancolique.
Pour rappel, A.A Williams sera bientôt en France pour plusieurs dates, avec en première partie une autre excellente artiste : Karin Park.
#AAWilliams #Kerrang #Rock #Metal #Music #Live #Concert #HardRockCafe #Lyon #PostRock #PostMetal #KarinPark
#aawilliams #kerrang #rock #metal #music #live #concert #hardrockcafe #lyon #postrock #postmetal #karinpark
In another place, I'm doing #Uncool50. It's fifty of the best songs since punk and disco began. I'm relating the songs to events in my life, almost an #autobiography.
Entry 45: "Say you love me" - Voodoo Hussy
An unknown band release their one single. The song sells to their fan base and nobody else.
But they've already got one DJ fired from #Kerrang Radio, and shown how 21st century fans are not your traditional metalheads.
A long read.
#kerrang #autobiography #uncool50