Spiegel Bestsellerliste: Kerstin Gier mit "Vergissmeinnicht. Was bisher verloren war" auf Platz 1 #Vergissmeinnicht.Wasbisherverlorenwar #KingdomoftheWicked.DieGöttinderRache #KleineStorysübergroßeThemen #SpiegelBestsellerliste #OhneAktienWirdSchwer #KerriManiscalco #FlorianAdomeit #NoahLeidinger #MarieLamballe #KarinKuschik #KerstinGier #CaféEngel #Charts #Charts
#charts #cafeengel #kerstingier #karinkuschik #marielamballe #noahleidinger #florianadomeit #kerrimaniscalco #ohneaktienwirdschwer #SpiegelBestsellerliste #kleinestorysubergroßethemen #kingdomofthewicked #vergissmeinnicht
10 Halbjahres - Highlights aus 2023 | Top Ten Thursday №53 - Welche Top 10 konnten mich im ersten Halbjahr 2023 begeistern? Schaut doch einfach mal nach.
#MarahWoolf, #BloggerAktionen, #AlexandraChristo, #MargaretAtwood, #TopTenThursday, #ShannonChakraborty, #HannahWhitten, #SarahJ.Maas, #Highlight, #JayKristoff, #KerriManiscalco, #KatRoss, #Read2023
#MarahWoolf #bloggeraktionen #alexandrachristo #margaretatwood #toptenthursday #shannonchakraborty #hannahwhitten #sarahj #highlight #jaykristoff #kerrimaniscalco #katross #read2023
Finished up book 2 last night of #KingdomOfTheWicked by #KerriManiscalco. I even got to bed by 2 a.m.! #AvidReader problems.
4.5/5 ⭐️’s - I still think books one and two should have been a one and two part book one. But holy smokes did this one deliver. I’m actually excited to start book 3, where after book one I was apprehensive.
Anyone else read this series? If so, *spoiler warning* going forward!
#bookstodons #booksread2022 #booktwt #bookish #bookclub #AvidReader #kerrimaniscalco #kingdomofthewicked
Finished up book 2 last night of #KingdomOfTheWicked by #KerriManiscalco. I even got to bed by 2 a.m.! #AvidReader problems.
4.5/5 ⭐️’s - I still think books one and two should have been a one and two part book one. But holy smokes did this one deliver. I’m actually excited to start book 3, where after book one I was apprehensive.
Anyone else read this series? If so, *spoiler warning* going forward!
#bookstodons #booksread2022 #booktwt #bookish #bookclub #AvidReader #kerrimaniscalco #kingdomofthewicked