Kotaku: Your Cyberpunk 2077 Love Story Will Continue In Phantom Liberty https://kotaku.com/cyberpunk-2077-phantom-liberty-romance-judy-panam-kerry-1850525485 #gaming #tech #kotaku #despoinaanetaki #sciencefiction #kerryeurodyne #cdprojektred #thewitcher3 #keanureeves #pawelsasko #cyberpunk #cdprojekt #phantom #culture #judy #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #despoinaanetaki #sciencefiction #kerryeurodyne #cdprojektred #thewitcher3 #keanureeves #pawelsasko #cyberpunk #cdprojekt #phantom #Culture #judy #rpg
Whoever writes the Anonymous fics in the #Cyberpunk2077 on AO3, you're a star. Absolutely fantastic fics. I'm pretty sure they're all by the same author.
The recent Nine Weeks is the perfect #JohnnySilverhand in V's head ride along making #KerryEurodyne spiral.
I'm not sure why but I could read a different variation of this post-canon story every day and not get bored. Same with Oh Johnny has a body now no one talked about what now mess. Give it all to me.
#cyberpunk2077 #johnnysilverhand #kerryeurodyne