@sundogplanets @paulknightly Wait'll they all crash into each other... No satellites, no space travel for decades! Fun, fun! #KesslerSyndrome
There are so many things that could go wrong with this insane plan! Premature detonation, taking out the power grids and satellites (causing #KesslerSyndrome which would prevent space travel), blocking out too much sunlight (causing crop failure), disturbing/damaging the ionosphere., etc., etc.!
If There Were a War in Space, Debris Would Destroy all Remaining Satellites in About 40 Years https://www.universetoday.com/162280/if-there-were-a-war-in-space-debris-would-destroy-all-remaining-satellites-in-about-40-years/ #rendezousandproximityoperations #collisionalcascade #kesslersyndrome #anti-satellite #weaponsinspace #satellites #spacejunk #science #asat #iss #rpo #war
#rendezousandproximityoperations #collisionalcascade #kesslersyndrome #anti #weaponsinspace #satellites #spacejunk #science #asat #iss #rpo #war
@fraser #KesslerSyndrome seems like a good #technosignature and warning.
I do wonder if Kessler Syndrome would be a bit of an Anti-Pattern making near Earth space exponentially more difficult but opening up extra-solar travel, as we level up our shielding skills in kind.
#kesslersyndrome #technosignature
@akhilrao 50% probability of #KesslerSyndrome by 2040! That's the big news everyone should know, isn't it, and you're just putting it into the alt-text...
via Spaceweather.com: "With the May 19th launch of these satellites from Cape Canaveral, SpaceX has deployed 4,469 Starlinks in all, including units no longer in service. More than 4,100 Starlink satellites are currently in orbit."
#satellites #starlink #kesslereffect #kesslersyndrome
Now we know how a solar storm took out a fleet of Starlinks
by Carolyn Collins, April 3, 2023
"The folks at Starlink found that out the hard way in February 2022. On January 29th that year, the sun belched out a class M 1.1 flare and related coronal mass ejection. Material from the sun traveled out on the solar wind and arrived at Earth a few days later. On February 3, Starlink launched a group of 49 satellites to an altitude only 130 miles above Earth's surface. They didn't last long, and now solar physicists know why."
#SolarFlare #SolarFlares #SpaceWeather #SolarCycle24 #CarringtonEvent #SolarWind #CMEs #KesslerSyndrome
Read more: https://phys.org/news/2023-04-solar-storm-fleet-starlinks.html
#solarflare #solarflares #spaceweather #solarcycle24 #carringtonevent #solarwind #cmes #kesslersyndrome
@arstechnica You shouldn't discuss this sort of initiative without mentioning #KesslerSyndrome .
"The model produces a simple expression for the maximum quantity of #satellites to prevent the #KesslerSyndrome, depending on a combination of parameters. Given the baseline calibration of the model, the estimated aggregate threshold value for the quantity of satellites is about 72,000."
@reiditwrite @llewelly
From the article: "Before 2019 there were only about 3,000 active satellites in space. SpaceX and Amazon by themselves could increase that number to 20,000 by the end of this decade."
Fran Blanche
The Real Sky Net Is Coming!
#FranBlanche #Hubble #KesslerSyndrome #NASA #orbit #prisonEarth #satellite #spaceJunk #SpaceX
My 2¢:
I think that's really good news! Locking in ourselves on Earth via the Kessler Syndrome makes it obvious that we cannot just escape our self caused pollution and trash another planet. Instead will have to clean up our only home or we'll "do the Dodo"! \o/
#franblanche #hubble #kesslersyndrome #nasa #orbit #prisonearth #satellite #spacejunk #spacex
Um... Looks like we're getting close to #KesslerSyndrome-level stuff...
Astronomy news: International Space Station fires engines to avoid satellite
It is getting crowded in space, and NASA recently had to take action to dodge a #satellite that was headed toward the #ISS.
#satellites #StarLink #KesslerEffect
#kesslersyndrome #satellite #iss #satellites #starlink #kesslereffect
#SpaceWar #KesslerSyndrome
February 2023: Market-based instruments to incentivize more sustainable practices in outer space
"The greatest danger is a cascading effect — the #KesslerSyndrome — that could arise once the number of objects in orbit increases past a tipping point. Collisions between resident objects could generate more fragments than the atmosphere can clear, slowly rendering some orbits economically unusable. Models extrapolating current behaviors to the future show an exponential increase in collision rates, suggesting that we have already passed the tipping point. The rising cost associated with space debris will not only affect spacefaring nations but also nonspacefaring nations, as the vital services provided from those orbits will become more expensive or even unavailable."
Wikipedia: Kessler syndrome
"The #KesslerSyndrome (also called the #KesslerEffect, collisional cascading, or ablation cascade), proposed by #NASA scientist Donald J. Kessler in 1978, is a scenario in which the density of objects in low Earth orbit (LEO) due to space pollution is high enough that collisions between objects could cause a cascade in which each collision generates space debris that increases the likelihood of further collisions. In 2009 Kessler wrote that modeling results had concluded that the debris environment was already unstable, 'such that any attempt to achieve a growth-free small debris environment by eliminating sources of past debris will likely fail because fragments from future collisions will be generated faster than atmospheric drag will remove them'. One implication is that the distribution of debris in orbit could render space activities and the use of satellites in specific orbital ranges difficult for many generations."
#kesslersyndrome #kesslereffect #NASA
Billionaires plan to launch tens of thousands of new satellites. Experts are working hard to ensure this doesn't lead to a disaster that ends human access to orbit.
by Dave Mosher, Dec 27, 2019
"#SpaceX, #Amazon, #OneWeb, and reportedly even #Apple plan to collectively launch tens of thousands of internet-beaming #satellites over the next decade.
"SpaceX, founded by #ElonMusk, has the most ambitious plans with approval from the US government to launch nearly 12,000 of its #Starlink satellites — though it's seeking permission to launch a total of 42,000.
"Though Musk said Starlink satellites have collision-avoidance systems, one came relatively close to smashing into a European satellite in September [2019].
"The likelihood of satellite collisions and dangerous space debris will go up as more spacecraft are launched. Militaries that destroy satellites during tests or wars will make the problem even worse.
Experts worry that debris orbiting Earth could lead to a "#KesslerSyndrome" domino effect that cuts off human access to #space for hundreds or even thousands of years."
#spacex #amazon #oneweb #Apple #satellites #elonmusk #starlink #kesslersyndrome #space #spacejunk
@frenchhope Oh non ! Cela garantira que l'effet #Kessler se produira! Il y a déjà trop de déchets spatiaux!
#JonqueSpatiale #Satellite #SpaceJunk #KesslerSyndrome
#kessler #jonquespatiale #satellite #spacejunk #kesslersyndrome
#KesslerSyndrome and the space debris problem
This feared space-junk cascade called Kessler Syndrome may have already begun.
By Mike Wall, July 14, 2022
"The Kessler Syndrome is a phenomenon in which the amount of junk in orbit around Earth reaches a point where it just creates more and more space debris, causing big problems for #satellites, #astronauts and mission planners.
"Consider this scenario: The destruction of a dead spy satellite spawns a swarm of debris in Earth orbit, which wreaks ever-increasing havoc as it zooms around our planet.
"The cloud destroys a number of communications satellites, generating more and more debris with every violent collision. It takes out the iconic #Hubble Space Telescope and a NASA #SpaceShuttle, killing several crewmembers aboard the winged vehicle. It then lines the International Space Station (#ISS) up in its crosshairs, destroying the $100 billion orbiting lab with a hail of fast-flying shrapnel."
#SpaceJunk #Starlink
#kesslersyndrome #satellites #astronauts #hubble #spaceshuttle #iss #spacejunk #starlink