And that must also be said here:
Against any substance fascism.
The anti-substance action fights against discrimination or prejudice against substance and drug users: Sub|stanc|is|m - the reduction of a complex fact or person to drugs (-use).
Discrimination or prejudice against substances and drug users, which results in the reduction of people to their substance affinity, and can therefore be seen as a mechanism of oppression.
Many drug users find themselves living an uncomfortable double life.
Fearing degrading treatment by using stigmatized substances.
Often this "game of hide and seek" from the environment has far more serious consequences than the drug use itself.
The decision whether and which drug is taken lies entirely in the personal responsibility!
We are a ragtag bunch of people who are actively fighting for a humane drug policy.
Of course, we have nothing to do with racism, sexism, homophobia, nationalism and other discriminatory shit and also fight against it, because it must be about the whole!
#Substanzen #substanzismus #Drogen #cannabis #weed #weedmob #csc #legalize #harmrediction #sapereaude #psychonaut #psychedelics #cannabis #speed #dmt #lsd #shrooms #2cb #keta #ketamin #kokain #dopamin #koffein #nikotin #adrenalin #sauerstoff #followyourbliss #workaholic #workaholics #WirMuessenHierRausKeineMachtfuerNiemand
#substanzen #substanzismus #Drogen #cannabis #weed #WeedMob #CSC #legalize #harmrediction #sapereaude #psychonaut #psychedelics #speed #dmt #lsd #shrooms #2cb #keta #ketamin #kokain #Dopamin #koffein #nikotin #adrenalin #sauerstoff #followyourbliss #workaholic #workaholics #wirmuessenhierrauskeinemachtfuerniemand
Poll-art from 04/21 in low res
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#patreon #LatexKaktus #nsfw #nsfwart #oc #original_character #Keta #Kotaku
#patreon #latexkaktus #nsfw #nsfwart #oc #original_character #keta #kotaku
Poll-art from 07/21 in low res
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#gay #patreon #LatexKaktus #bara #cum #male #nsfw #nsfwart #oc #original_character #Keta #Kotaku
#gay #patreon #latexkaktus #bara #cum #male #nsfw #nsfwart #oc #original_character #keta #kotaku
BATTITI LIVE 2022, COMPILATION/ Scaletta e diretta: Myss Keta a chiusura dello show! #battiti #live #compilation/ #scaletta #diretta #myss #keta #chiusura #show #11agosto
#11agosto #show #chiusura #keta #myss #diretta #scaletta #compilation #live #battiti
Myss Keta, dal pubblico le urlano “Portaci a put*ane”. Lei interrompe il concerto e sbotta: `Vi faccio buttare tra i coccodrilli` - VIDEO - Il Fatto Quotidiano #myss #keta #pubblico #urlano #portaci #put*ane #interrompe #concerto #sbotta #faccio #buttare #coccodrilli #video #quotidiano #2agosto
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Marcello Cirillo canta Myss Keta ed il risultato è sorprendente * #marcello #cirillo #canta #myss #keta #risultato #sorprendente #biccyit #1agosto
#1agosto #biccyit #sorprendente #risultato #keta #myss #canta #Cirillo #marcello
Il caos benigno di M¥SS KETA | Rolling Stone Italia #caos #benigno #m¥ss #keta #rolling #stone #italia #30maggio
#30maggio #italia #stone #rolling #keta #m #benigno #caos
Myss Keta, dal Club Topperia ai Diversity Media Awards: “Che cos’è l’inclusione? Rispettare se stessi... #myss #keta #club #topperia #diversity #media #awards #cosè #linclusione #rispettare #stessi #27maggio
#27Maggio #stessi #rispettare #linclusione #cosè #awards #media #diversity #topperia #club #keta #myss
`Finimondo`: il nuovo singolo di Myss Keta | TV Sorrisi e Canzoni #finimondo #singolo #myss #keta #sorrisi #canzoni
#canzoni #sorrisi #keta #myss #singolo #finimondo
hhhh #mpreg #Keta #Kotaku #OC #OriginalCharacter #incest #brothers #LatexKaktus #male #bara #pregnancy #pregnant #preg #bellykink #belly #nsfw #nsfwart
#mpreg #keta #kotaku #oc #originalcharacter #incest #brothers #latexkaktus #male #bara #pregnancy #pregnant #preg #bellykink #belly #nsfw #nsfwart
#Keta #salmon! YUM!