#Bubber and #Ketjap #FriendsForLive #caturday #catsofmastodon #catstodon #mastocats #mastocat #cats #cat
#dogsofmastodon #mastodogs #mastodog #dogstodon #dogs #dog
#dog #dogs #dogstodon #mastodog #mastodogs #dogsofmastodon #cat #cats #mastocat #mastocats #catstodon #catsofmastodon #caturday #friendsforlive #ketjap #Bubber
Bought a new dogbed i think have to get another one 😂🥰
#catsofmastodon #catstodon #mastocats #mastocat #cats #cat #Ketchup and #Ketjap brother and sister
#ketjap #ketchup #cat #cats #mastocat #mastocats #catstodon #catsofmastodon #catterday
Brother and sister #Ketchup en #Ketjap #catsofmastodon #cats #love
Broer en zus #Ketchup en #Ketjap #KattenVanMastodon #katten #PoezenOpMastodon #poezen #poes #kat #cat #liefde
#liefde #cat #kat #poes #poezen #poezenopmastodon #katten #kattenvanMastodon #love #cats #catsofmastodon #ketjap #ketchup
Fried up some of last night's leftover rice for #lunch, with some dried beets/chilli spices.
Didn't have veggies left unfortunately, but added some eggs to it instead.
I think I might need to add a bit of #ketjap soy sauce though, but apart from that #friedRice is awesome.
#lunch #ketjap #friedrice #food