@soheb @poconnor Oh, that’s too bad! 😥
I actually se Glytactin Build as well. Couldn’t have done #ketopku without it. Very low in carbohydrates.
I take to Build chocolate with coconut milk in a shaker. It’s amazingly good! (And a strong way to start the day with 40g of proteins.)
@soheb @Louby3107 @ClairTheGinger @Chloeormerod @poconnor This is the only time I ever took a picture of my blood test. It was the first test of the #ketopku era. :P
#KetoPKU might be over, I won’t stop paying attention to carbohydrates 💪🏻
📌BLT sandwich with Carbonaut bread and coconut bacon
📌 Berries (anti-oxidants, vitamins, fiber, etc. ↗️↗️↗️)
📌 Kombucha, a very good fermented option (excellent for the microbiome)
Protein = approximately 3g
Net Carbohydrates = 12g
#ketopku #fightsugar #phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria
Ok, normally I don't share my phe levels publicly, but for once I will make an exception. Nice way to conclude the #KetoPKU experience. A very good level that was accompanied by a weight loss of 18 pounds, an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat. 😄✌🏻 Very, very happy with the result. Details about the experience here 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3ox4qmX
Ok, normally I don't share my phe levels publicly, but for once I will make an exception. Nice way to conclude the #KetoPKU experience. A very good level that was accompanied by a weight loss of 18 pounds, an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat. 😄✌🏻 Very, very happy with the result. Details about the experience here 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3ox4qmX
Le dernier article sur l'expérience #CetoPCU: bit.ly/40teWsK
The final article about the #KetoPKU experience: bit.ly/3ox4qmX
#cetopcu #ketopku #phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria
My wife bought me this 5 years ago and it was too tight. Now it fits me like a glove. 😜
Thank you #KetoPKU
Ma conjointe m'a acheté ça il y a 5 ans et c'était trop serré. Maintenant, ça me va comme un gant. 😜
Merci #CetoPCU
#ketopku #cetopcu #phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria
It’s healthy AND delicious. 😊🙌🏼
#pku #pkuawareness #Phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie #KetoPKU #CetoPCU
#pku #pkuawareness #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie #ketopku #cetopcu
I went to the hospital and got the results of my complete blood test following 1 1/2 month with #KetoPKU.
The results!
- Weight = ⬇️
- Muscle mass = ⬆️
- Body mass index = ⬇️
- Visceral fat = ⬇️
- Nutrients = ✅
Complete success. Green light to continue. 🥳
We discovered a ketogenic ketchup, so suddenly #KetoPKU burger is possible 🍔
Nous avons découvert un ketchup cétogène, alors soudainement c’est possible de faire un hamburger 🍔 #CetoPCU
#ketopku #cetopcu #phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria #pku
Déjeuner ce matin. Bon appétit tout le monde! 🤤
Follow me @pcublogue Suivez-moi.
#KetoPKU #CetoPCU #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie #pku #pkufood #pkuawareness #lowprotein #lowproteindiet
#ketopku #cetopcu #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie #pku #pkufood #pkuawareness #lowprotein #lowproteindiet
#KetoPKU | #CetoPCU 👉🏻 Down 13 pounds (5,9kg), all is good. Let’s workout a little. 😁🙌🏼💪🏻
En baisse de 13 livres (5,9kg), tout va bien. Allons nous entraîner un peu 😄🙌🏼💪🏻
#phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie #pku #pkufitness #pkubloodtest #pkufitnessmotivation
#ketopku #cetopcu #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie #pku #pkufitness #pkubloodtest #pkufitnessmotivation
Awesome little #KetoPKU friendly mushrooms cream.
Only 0,9g if proteins for this portion.
#ketopku #pku #phenylketonuria
#KetoPKU | #CetoPCU
Celery root fries made with an air fryer.
Delicious! 1g net carb. 1g of proteins.
Frites de céleri rave faites avec une friteuse à air.
Délicieux! 1 g de glucides nets. 1 g de protéines.
#phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie #pku #pkudiet #pkufood #vegetarian #vegetarien
#ketopku #cetopcu #phenylketonuria #phenylcetonurie #pku #pkudiet #pkufood #vegetarian #vegetarien
Très heureux du résultat! 😄 Mon taux de phe est sur une pente descendante. C’est sûr que c’est en grande partie à ma motivation et au fait que je suis « super focus » sur cet objectif, mais c’est cool de voir que #CetoPCU est possible. ☺️
Very happy with the result! 😄 My phe rate is on a downward slope. Of course, it's largely my motivation and the fact that I'm "super focus" on this goal, but it's cool to see that #KetoPKU is possible. ☺️
#cetopcu #ketopku #phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria