Global News BC: Water levels, flood concerns rising in Grand Forks, B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #RegionalDistrictKootenayBoundary #floodevacuationorder #GrandForksflooding #southerninterior #evacuationalert #EvacuationOrder #GrandForksBC #GranbyRiver #KettleRiver #BCFlooding #BCInterior #GrandForks #Canada #RDKB
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #regionaldistrictkootenayboundary #floodevacuationorder #grandforksflooding #southerninterior #evacuationalert #evacuationorder #grandforksbc #granbyriver #kettleriver #BCFlooding #BCInterior #GrandForks #Canada #rdkb
Global News BC: ‘Watch and see’: Grand Forks, B.C. preparing for rising waters #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #granbyriverflooding #kettleriverflooding #GrandForksflooding #EverettBaker #GranbyRiver #KettleRiver #GrandForks #BCFloods #Flooding #Weather #Floods
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #granbyriverflooding #kettleriverflooding #grandforksflooding #everettbaker #granbyriver #kettleriver #GrandForks #BCFloods #flooding #Weather #floods
@josh but because my creek flows north to #Canada the #KettleRiver is “unnamed River”, where as if I choose a creek that flows into the Kettle in the US the River is named. The Kettle crosses the border 3 times before flowing into the #Columbia.
#columbia #kettleriver #canada