#ApolloQuiboloy is currently in his Moon dasha-Jupiter bhukti. His natal dasha lord Moon is posited in the 6H from JL (janma lagna) which clearly shows that he's going to get in trouble with the law during this period.
Meanwhile, transit #Ketu aspects bhukti lord 2L/11L Jupiter in 1H. Ketu itself is in exact aspect to his lagna in Aquarius. This is serious trouble, marred identity caused by #lawlessness.
#apolloquiboloy #ketu #lawlessness
ராகு கேது பெயர்ச்சி யாருக்கு யோகம் | துலாம் விருச்சிகம் தனுசு | விஞ்ஞான ... https://youtu.be/5OpBd-GDSuk via @YouTube@twitter.com
#rahupeyarchi2022 #rahuketupeyarchi2022 #Kethu #Ketu #Rahu #Horoscope #astrology #Rasipalan
#RasiPalan #astrology #horoscope #rahu #ketu #Kethu #rahuketupeyarchi2022 #rahupeyarchi2022