We were reminded of when we read about something that happened in , the . Wikipedia completely mis-characterised the defining moment in our .

Our understanding is Wikipedia do this a lot. Its clearly a 'political tool'.

We could say, believing it is "apolitical" makes one a 'political fool'.

(Yes it rhymes and is the worse attempt at humor today.)

#australia #kevinRuddCoup #history #geopolitics #politics #MiningTax #corporatemedia #rupertmurdoch #informationwarfare #politicalTool #politicalfool

Last updated 2 years ago

Australia once self-identified as the "clever country".

That phrase has completely disappeared. Today we tracked down the exact moment the phrase vanished from the national consciousness…

It was the day we voted in as PM over Kevin Rudd.

#TonyAbbott #kevinRuddCoup #KevinRudd #cleverCountry #australia #auspol #smearcampaigns #nbn #sovereignWealthFund #MiningTax #rupertmurdoch #foreignMeddling

Last updated 2 years ago

We almost forgot our (2010).

In our are so effective that the coups happen and we just accept them as part of a rolling news cycle.

#breadAndCircuses #kevinRuddCoup #australia #corporateForces

Last updated 4 years ago

This ^^^

One of our past PMs, who was basically put in by Rupert after the , was exposed by Fakebook in 2015(?) as, likely, buying Likes in .

Fakebook used to tell ppl where the Page was popular. After this deleted the feature.

We used the Boost feature once. Suddenly people in and the signalled interest in local Aussie affairs.

First and last Boost, and we never paid them.

#middleeast #kevinRuddCoup #china #fakebook #india

Last updated 4 years ago

So the private company that governs over 's "Broadband" Network (read: wireless network), cannot develop a website that works. The site (nbnco.com.au) can't redirect properly.

Thanks govt, for privatising the project after the against our PM.

#australia #coup #kevinRuddCoup #losingOurWay #rupertmurdoch #JuliaGillard #nbnCoDotComDotAu #privatisation #websiteBroken #tor #nbn

Last updated 4 years ago

Exactly, if you don't like 's methods, don't import their stuff.

Similarly if we don't like the way the people are being treated, .


We've been against + methods seen from China, , , and in .

Someone should make a for kids, matching abuses to .

#china #palestinian #BoycottIsrael #uk #israel #usa #australia #matchingGame #corporateStates #embargo #trade #ethics #labourAbuses #sandMafia #yemen #droneMurders #cloudflare #kevinRuddCoup #JulianAssangeTorture #libya #hollywood

Last updated 4 years ago