Nouvel arrivage de #KevinAnderson . Particulièrement, cette fois-ci il est l'intervieweur: #PlanetaryBoundaries #climateCrisis
#kevinanderson #planetaryboundaries #climatecrisis
@Snoro Yup, the North will have to cut their carbon emission while we give some slack to the global south for infrastructure building, given the cumulative emission (hence the actual 420 ppm) are mostly from white skinned people. This is called equity. #KevinAnderson #TheGreatSimplification #NateHagens #ClimateEquity
#kevinanderson #TheGreatSimplification #natehagens #ClimateEquity
Renowned climate scientist #KevinAnderson will be speaking at an event this evening at #AnTaisce headquarters.
The talk will be livestreamed and you can register your place here:
Welcome back former #5 and #USOpen and #wimbledon finalist Kevin Anderson! #southafrica #Tennis #ATP #kevinanderson
#kevinanderson #atp #tennis #southafrica #wimbledon #usopen
Renowned climate scientist Prof Kevin Anderson starts a speaking tour of Ireland this Friday at the Mary Robinson Centre in Ballina, followed by appearances at UCC on Monday and An Taisce HQ Dublin on Thursday 13th July
#AnTaisce #ClimateEmergency #KevinAnderson
#antaisce #climateemergency #kevinanderson
@stefanmuelller @scientistrebellion_GER
"Die Treibhausgase sind in der EU bis 2035 linear auf netto Null zu senken, unter Anrechnung der Senken (Bindung des CO2 durch Wälder usw.)."
So gehts nicht. 1. ist NettoNull #NetZero nur Latein für "Die Aufgabe an spätere Generationen vererben", wie #KevinAnderson es so schön sagt.
2. Ist die Vorgabe "linear" inkompatibel. MMn spricht Sach-Unverstand aus der Verwendung des Begriffs linear hier.
3. Ist Anrechnung der auf nationalem Boden befindlichen Senken unmöglich, denn die unterliegen den Klimawandelfolgen. Im UBA Projektionsbericht 2020 wird LULUCF künftig zur CO2-Quelle: von früher -33Mt CO2 auf +17Mt. Denn die Senkenleistung vom Wald reduziert sich von 75Mt / Jahr in 1990 auf höchstens 21Mt in 2035. Siehe Tabelle aus dem Projektionsbericht im Bild. Weiß nicht, ob es schon einen neuen Projektionsbericht gibt, der die seit 2018 fortgesetzte Dürre als neues Feature im Klimawandel begreift und darum die künftige Senkenleistung des Waldes niedriger ansetzt als noch im Bericht 2020.
5-7% der nationalen CO2-Emission insgesamt resultiert aus trockengelegten Feuchtgebieten, sagt eine Moor-Fachfrau im Interview bei Jung&Naiv.
Die Emissionen werden sich mangels regelmäßigem Regen erhöhen. Das gilt auch für landwirtschaftlich genutzte oder sonstige Böden. Da bleibt überhaupt nix zum Ausgleichen. Wollen Ökonomie-geprägte Bewusstseine aber nicht wahrhaben.
«I have to be honest and say as someone who has worked on climate change for years, my best guess is that we are going to fail. But it is a choice to fail. Political leaders, academia and journalism have repeatedly chosen to fail on #climate for 30 years» -#KevinAnderson
"We" have chosen to fail, or "they" have chosen to fail?
Simply put: +3 or +4C, 80 years from now and ours kids will live through H. Sapiens extinction.
extrait de
#climatepurge #kevinanderson #climate
@CordiallyChloe “we are all going to regret this real fast.” Who is "We"? and why "Real fast"? Let me precise:
“Many people will die, they'll be poor, they'll be a long way from here, they have almost no role in active causing the problem and they will be typically nonwhite.” #KevinAnderson #PakistanFloods #ClimateJustice
#kevinanderson #pakistanfloods #climatejustice
@Snoro Je cite #KevinAnderson (Fev. 2017) : “I'm agnostic about nuclear, but built rates mean it can only have a minor role in staying <2°C”
#KevinAnderson “The future will be radical... We can choose it to be sustainable and prosperous or chaotic and violent.” event: #abruptclimatechange #collapse
#kevinanderson #abruptclimatechange #collapse
Talk by Professor Kevin Anderson -Feb 2023
Part of the Cambridge Climate Series, Kevin is always worth a watch. He eloquently pulls apart the nonsense we're doing, pulls apart the stupidity of Net Zero and shows the scale of the changes needed even within the conservative figures the IPCC presents. Then he shows the only way the emissions can be cut to meet the targets put in place.
As he says, if this was a real emergency we could cut emissions by 30% within 2 weeks and not have to change a thing for 90% of the people on the planet. Something @rahmstorf @ExtinctionR etal have pointed out before of course. The real deniers here are the wealthy.
My only small criticism is at the end where in response to a question he states every group he meets with say they are "broadly supportive of what he says," be it CEOs, politicians, random people etc but.. the only people who will engage with Kevin are the people who want to engage with Kevin, so I don't agree with his statement about "broad support."
We're on the edge of the cliff, as the many charts he produces show.
#ClimaeChange #CLimateCrisis #ClimateJustice
I don't think he is on Mastodon, he is on TW @kevinclimate
#climaechange #climatecrisis #climatejustice #kevinanderson
"gvt's, clearly ill-equipped to address system-level challenges of the 21st C, we rely on the messy gaggle of activist movements & wider civil society engagement to catalyse change."
"Set against dismal failure of the current crop of leaders, an active civil society in its multiple forms has never been so important.., there is an immediate & key role for engaged citizens to oppose draconian laws now being implemented"
#climateuncensored #PublicOrderBill #kevinanderson
@jules_balarate Ah bin oui, suis-je bête! je le fais à l'instant:
2023, l'année du retour des blogs! #KevinAnderson
#FossilFuel #juststopoil #KevinAnderson: «Voici l'ampleur des actions requises pour que respecter les engagements inscrits dans l'Accord de Paris
... tous à partir de janvier 2020, sinon avant!
- Un moratoire sur tout nouveau développement de combustibles fossiles
#fossilfuel #juststopoil #kevinanderson
Comment ne pas apprécier un conférencier qui titre sa première slide "Health warning: this is a 'red pill' presentation" 😋
"I don't like my conclusions... But they are my conclusions - They are not over or under played."
Rt #kevinanderson new article
"Spoiler alert! We disagree with both techno-optimism underpinning mainstream narratives on 1.5°C, & with claims that exceeding 1.5°C is now inevitable."
@fjg et aller à 1h14m10 pour apprendre que "Nous n'avons pas gagné le pari du climat" 🤣 Tu l'as dit bouffi... Ce n'était pas un pari et l'élite socio-économique a fait le choix pour nous il y a longtemps. #KevinAnderson at 1m59 : «What we've had is 28 years of abject failure on climate change. We've actively chosen to fail» #theyknew
Les gens qui crèvent de la crise climatique, #onsenfout parce qu'ils sont pauvres ou ont la peau d'une autre teinte que la nôtre, nous pays riches du G7.
Covid-19 crisis isn't more pressing than the #climatechange one. As #kevinanderson points out in this excellent confined presentation during a webcast conference, our current situation opens up possibilities in social reorganisation. #Floss notes: the webconf was announced on TT, broadcasted through Vimeo and sponsored by Elsevier, sadly. Will try to upload a copy to a peertube instance.
#floss #kevinanderson #climatechange
@bigl0af I'm with #KevinAnderson on this one (well on everything in fact)... he tweeted: "I'm agnostic about nuclear, but built rates mean it can only have a minor role in staying <2°C" ie we can't built nuclear reactors fast enough to avoid a runaway climate. Even France during its peak deployment rate (early 1980) didn't build more than 7 reactors/yr. Would the US undergo a complete conversion to nucular, it would need 3000 of them. So, don't bother...