Kevin has destroyed my Christmas Tree.
He hates Christmas.
Help. Give me some tips on how to keep him out of it before we throw him in the garbage (jk I wouldn’t do that, he is perfect, he is just a one man wrecking crew when it comes to the Christmas tree)
#kevin #kevinwtf #kevinhateschristmas #kevinruinedchristmas #onemanwreckingcrew #christmasisruined #christmastree #catsandchristmastrees #cat #caturday #caturdayeveryday #cathelp
#kevin #kevinwtf #kevinhateschristmas #kevinruinedchristmas #onemanwreckingcrew #christmasisruined #Christmastree #catsandchristmastrees #Cat #caturday #caturdayeveryday #cathelp