#Reading Randomness
Started listening to Binti, #Binti series by #NnediOkorafor tonight.
Whether I'm reading visual or audio books changes with how I'm feeling. I have several books I'm reading at any one time because my moods change too.
Other books I'm actively reading:
No Country for Old Gnomes, #TalesOfPell series by #DelilahSDawson and #KevinHearne
Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses by #KristenO'Neal
Sky Magic, #Haven series by #BVLarson
#reading #binti #nnediokorafor #talesofpell #delilahsdawson #kevinhearne #kristeno #haven #bvlarson #bookstodon #Books
#Reading Randomness
Just started listening to Binti, #Binti series by #NnediOkorafor tonight.
Whether I'm reading visually, or audio, changes with how I'm feeling. I also have several books I'm reading at any one time because my moods change.
Other books I'm actively reading:
No Country for Old Gnomes, #TalesOfPell series by #DelilahSDawson and #KevinHearne
Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses by #KristenO'Neal
Sky Magic, #Haven series by #BVLarson
#reading #binti #nnediokorafor #talesofpell #delilahsdawson #kevinhearne #kristeno #haven #bvlarson #bookstodon #Books
Let's see how many hashtags of nerdilicious awesomeness we can add here...
#writer #author #wheeloftime #wot #brandonsanderson #MichaelWhelan #Tor #KimHarrison #JimButcher #KevinHearne #JimCHines #CassandraClaire #SarahJMaas #MarissaMeyer
#fantasybooks #ILikeBigBooks #historicalromance #historybooks #urbanfantasy
#history #IrishHistory #EnglishHistory #AmericanHistory #GreekHistory #mythology
#writer #author #wheeloftime #wot #brandonsanderson #michaelwhelan #Tor #kimharrison #jimbutcher #kevinhearne #jimchines #cassandraclaire #sarahjmaas #marissameyer #fantasybooks #ilikebigbooks #historicalromance #historybooks #urbanfantasy #bridgerton #johannalindsay #history #irishhistory #englishhistory #americanhistory #greekhistory #mythology
Pt 2 of my #reading #books list, focused on #fantasy and #scifi authors I enjoy:
#tolkien #BenAaronovitch #GuyAdams #JodiTaylor #PatriciaMorrison #John Birmingham #JohnRingo #EricFlint #DavidWeber #DavidDrake #LarryCorreia #LEModesitt #TaylorAnderson #TravisTaylor #KatharineKerr #RaymondFeist #TomKratman #DavidGemmell #Dragonlance #StephenDonaldson #NaomiNovik #RMMeluch #DavidEddings #KevinHearne #TerryBrooks #KatherineKurtz #RobertJordan #StephenLawhead #TadWilliams #JackCampell #SMStirling
#reading #books #fantasy #scifi #tolkien #benaaronovitch #guyadams #joditaylor #patriciamorrison #john #johnringo #ericflint #davidweber #daviddrake #larrycorreia #lemodesitt #tayloranderson #travistaylor #katharinekerr #raymondfeist #tomkratman #davidgemmell #dragonlance #stephendonaldson #naominovik #rmmeluch #davideddings #kevinhearne #terrybrooks #katherinekurtz #robertjordan #stephenlawhead #tadwilliams #jackcampell #smstirling
I've nothing original to say in ages but I see many are posting favorites so that seems a reasonable gauge. In no particular order...
Other specific books/series:
These lists are not remotely exhaustive
#loismcmasterbujold #kevinhearne #JimButcher #stevemchugh #harrisonkitteridge #kcalexander #margaretatwood #wargods #AlteredCarbon #honorharrington #deathstalker #anekajansen #projecthailmary #drwho #lucifer #orville #torchwood #firefly #eureka #warehouse13 #farscape
@albinokid #Bookstodon A few of my favorite jump-to-the-top-of-the-tbr-when-they-publish authors:
#JohnScalzi #SeananMcguire #PatrickRothfuss #MaryRobinetteKowal #KevinHearne #ScottLynch #NealStephenson #WilliamGibson #CharlesStross #PatriciaBriggs Oh that's 10 already? Whoops.
#bookstodon #johnscalzi #seananmcguire #patrickrothfuss #maryrobinettekowal #kevinhearne #scottlynch #nealstephenson #williamgibson #charlesstross #patriciabriggs