Via Neville F Chamberlain @nevillefchambe1
“A FISH CALLED WANDA” (1988) dir. #CharlesCrichton
#movies #afishcalledwanda #charlescrichton #johncleese #jamieleecurtis #kevinkline #michaelpalin
smelfie (noun) : the act of sniffing one's own armpit (aka an ‘Otto’) #AFishCalledWanda #KevinKline
40 years ago today, Film version of "The Pirates of Penzance", starring Kevin Kline, Linda Ronstadt, and Angela Lansbury premieres in US
A new #FilmsTRIPS podcast is out! This time, Andrew and I take a look at #AlanJPakula's 1992 thriller #ConsentingAdults: #KevinKline #MaryElizabethMastrantonio #RebeccaMiller #KevinSpacey #ForestWhitaker #EGMarshall
#egmarshall #forestwhitaker #kevinspacey #rebeccamiller #maryelizabethmastrantonio #kevinkline #consentingadults #alanjpakula #filmstrips
This week, we’re joined by comedian and presidential history expert Eric Krug to cover the couple from the murderous film ‘I Love You To Death’ celebrating their 57th wedding anniversary, and a Japanese man went on a crime spree…to pay his phone bill.
#JackRuby #assassination #history #presidentialhistory #JohnWilkesbooth #Nixon #LBJ #JFK #FDR #RonDeSantis #Election2024 #Iloveyoutodeath #truecrime #fortean #filmhistory #KevinKline #TracyUllman #JohnWick #japan #dumbcriminals #anime #kfc
#jackruby #assassination #history #presidentialhistory #johnwilkesbooth #nixon #lbj #jfk #fdr #rondesantis #election2024 #iloveyoutodeath #truecrime #fortean #filmhistory #kevinkline #tracyullman #johnwick #japan #dumbcriminals #anime #kfc
Good day. It is a wicky wicky Wednesday.
#MovieReview #blog #blogger #AmazonPrime #streaming #WildWildWest #BarrySonnenfeld #WillSmith #KevinKline #KennethBranagh #TedLevine #SalmaHayek #MusettaVander #PrimeVideoUK
#moviereview #blog #blogger #amazonprime #Streaming #wildwildwest #barrysonnenfeld #willsmith #kevinkline #kennethbranagh #tedlevine #salmahayek #musettavander #primevideouk
I què bona i commovedora és la peli Sophie's Choice. Quina gran actuació que fa la #MerylStreep i en #KevinKline. Vista a @Filmin .
I have too many favorite actors to list, but this list off the top of my head is representative:
#7actorstoknowme #petersellers #kristinchenoweth #zeromostel #maggiegyllenhaal #kevinkline #hollyhunter #sidneypoitier #actor #film #television #actorsofmastodon #theatre