One of my recent blog posts is now up on, thanks @kevinmd
#surgery #doctors #coaching #physiciancoaching #surgeoncoaching #physicianwellness #surgeonwellness #physiciancoach #physician #surgeon #KevinMD
#surgery #doctors #Coaching #physiciancoaching #surgeoncoaching #PhysicianWellness #surgeonwellness #physiciancoach #Physician #Surgeon #kevinmd
Normalizing physician burnout
60 percent of physicians are burned out. They would share and write their story on KevinMD, and then other physicians would chime in to comment and say, “I feel that way too. This is my story.”
KevinMD on the Co-Learning Clinician podcast
Listen here:
#kevinmd #colearning #Physician #burnout #healthcare
Breaking down physician silos
There is no more physicians' lounge anymore at the hospital. You have hospitalists, and then you have outpatient physicians, and we never see each other. In fact, I'm an outpatient primary care physician. I don't know the last time I rounded in a hospital.
KevinMD on the Co-Learning Clinician podcast.
Listen here:
#kevinmd #colearning #Physician #burnout #healthcare