RT @BorderKent@twitter.com
Touchรฉ mon ami...
Bonne chance!
#OurQuestIsToCongest https://twitter.com/CCTCommander/status/1315257463109750784
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/BorderKent/status/1315575105297297409
#ourquestistocongest #onlywecanpreventtrade #kexit
ITM yarns!
About to head in and if we don't make it out we'd just like to say thank y'all for your courage. Please continue the great work of #Kexit and someone decipher to cryptic meanderings of your #KoK here to lead the decisive volley in our ongoing culture war.
First gain the attention of the impressionable and then subversively install the value and virtues that will save our children's children from the planned obsolescence of Mad Max on the outside and Judge Dredd on the inside.
@Mummabear @sirJoho your #KoK is behind enemy lines in the captured London Borough of Bromley. Perfectly situated to work from within in order to achieve #Kexit.
Plus my neighbours are the loving kind and fearful of the Lord
@Therealdcgirl I'm a little bit in love with Virginia.... Mayhaps its coz its a little bit like a lot of Vagina.
But over all I'm thinkin' on it hard lately but, me biggest goal (beyond #Kexit) is reuniting North and South Carolina.
@CSB @darrenoneill yes with three pubs (soon to be four!), two kids and three podcasts in the works meself I sure do have the time to be prattling on about something I too know very little about.
Oh and #KEXIT I must get the #KoK out of Bri' 'ain before those pesky Bri' 'ish ruin it.
@SirSpencer I politely sequestered the divine inspiration of the universe for multiple rainless days over my little abode on the frontlines of #Kexit as all of the utility white goods are under a tarpaulin in the garden whilst the #leantudio is painted and floor goes in.
For the last 10 days or so it hasn't plus it has been untypically very mild for this time of year, I am most grateful.
ITM clansmen!
In an expected turn, one of the managers of one of my pubs has decided the job isn't for him.
So, now I have two full time job positions at a one currently open the other due to open by the end of this coming January.
If ANY Gitmo slaves are able to #exfil2theKoK and want a perfect cover whilst #kexit is prepared, please don't hesitate to reach out to you #KoK here.
#exfil2theKoK #kexit #kok #tyfyc #tikameme
@YorkshireTea #exfil2theKoK and in 6 weeks I'll have you running a microPub sowing the seeds of #Kexit like a good slave should.... #justsayin
#exfil2theKoK #kexit #justsayin
@jessecoynelson yes what I build is rooms for people to converse and enjoy products sourced exclusively from the #KoK.
Once I have covered the county with them there will be enough decentralised potential for the seeds of #Kexit to be sown.
Then I will strike quicker than the lightning within which satan fell from the second heaven to our realm of the third.
After that, I'll be having a cuddle with the Big Dude in the sky or devouring south-east London all the way to Lambeth palace.
@jessecoynelson depending upon the context the #KoK is either the Kingdom of Kent, which is the country currently being held hostage by not-so-great britain.
Or it is in referral to yours truly, the self-appointed King of Kent.
I am a micropub owning, #Kexit planning, driver of change.
I've secured two more micropubs to add to the two I already have and so if your of sound health and strong enough to lift 70pints of real ale at a time there's a permanent and well rewarded job here for you.
@DameGerous unfortunately with my pubs and two small human resources the QoK and I could only manage to escape to Royal Tunbridge Wells for three nights.
That photo is from our last nightcap through the hotel on the way to the junior suite.
We got back to front line #Kexit last Wednesday and I've been playing #GWFFvstheCoof ever since.
I feel invincible since my natural non-specific antibodies won out.
@sirseatsitter wait what?
Its telegram reporting front line from the infowars of #kexit weren't it?
Which one
? Is this a two partner....parter. ?
@sourcex its why im the pioneer of such graces as #theTrutherShot an #Innoculation for the #postWoke and the person who aims to galvanise our #DigitalKingdom so that in time #Kexit will be done and the #KoK can reign free in his #KoK
#digitalKingdom #theTrutherShot #innoculation #postWoke #kexit #kok #tikameme
@Sir_Adam_of_The_Koch_Empire @iso @ThatLARRYSHOW oh I'm gonna pull that
Front an center for my #Kexit campaign.
@Klaatu @CSB @darrenoneill love you klaats bro but I'm a do a much more charming jerb than the sentient intelligence will ever manage to imitate.
You wait n see dude, we're goin' all the way to #Kexit with this one.