So I broke a bone in my arm and am now typing on a one hand configuration of my #Atreus keyboard.
I love how this open source hardware can help you solve problems that come out of nowhere. I have yet to become quick with this, a good thing that backspace is mapped close. #keyboardio
I do like my keyboard after all these years.
My two #keyboardio Model 100s arrived back at the main Detroit office, to be resent to my local office. In theory they'll be sent to me. I suspect they'll wind up going across town instead.
I wonder if USPS' routing algorithm incorporates loop detection?
the keyboardio atreus is a lot of fun and teaching my hands a more comfortable position which i will mimic on my moonlander
my muscle memory still asks right hand for arrow keys and top row for numbers though, so i’m giving this a few more days before deciding if i should do a big remap
blank keys ftw!
One thing the #Keyboardio version of the #Atreus keyboard needs is bumps on the Space and BkSp keys, so that your thumbs know when they're "home", like the traditional F and J bumps on the home row.
Actually, since I'm using the non-bumpy F and J keys because I'm using a Colemak layout, perhaps I should just use the bumpy ones for Space and BkSpc (and maybe put stickers on them)? Or maybe I can buy keycaps with bumps but no labels?
@mclare and I cowrote a project and blog post!
I'm starting to like my #keyboardio Model 100 more with this firmware change
Now that I'm pretty far along with getting my #emacs the way I want it, it's time to recompile the firmware for my #keyboardio
I have been playing with the #keyboardio #Atreus #MeachanicalKeyboard that has just arrived on my doorstep yesterday after a recent discount offer tipped me over the edge. It's very nice and surprisingly easy to use for a 44-key device. There are some things to get used to, to be sure, but I was able to adjust reasonably well for most things. Has anybody developed a customised keymap layer for #emacs, particularly #elisp programming on this device? I need to move those parentheses into the foreground somehow.
#keyboardio #atreus #meachanicalkeyboard #emacs #elisp
I have a frustration with my #Keyboardio #model100
I'm trying to set the RGB colors of certain keys from the host computer. I've found a plugin called LEDControl that's deprecated, but does exactly the thing I want!
But how do I make it go?
I posted a question on the forums:
I want to recreate my visual bloom filter project: but with my keyboard as the output
First impressions of
#keyboardio Model 100 vs ZSA #moonlander :
The walnut case and everything else on the Keyboardio Model 100 are flippin beautiful, and it's a joy to type on. It makes the moonlander feel like a toy in comparison.
On the other hand, the software for configuring the moonlander is very much superior to Keyboardio's Chrysalis.
Turns out the default firmware for the #keyboardio Model 100 directly from the factory is unstable with Chrysalis.
I had to hold down the PROG button and then update the firmware as described in
It wasn't a NixOS problem at all!
Thanks to @mclare for pointing out the fix to me
@shapr Good luck, fellow nix/ergo keyboard user. I should attempt this with my #Keyboardio Atreus.
I received my #Keyboardio Model 100, but I can't get the Chrysalis software to work in #NixOS
I tried adding the udev rules from
but Chrysalis still can't update firmware.
Any ideas what else I could try?
I have a #Keyboardio model 01 that I'm not using. I'm offering it up to you folks (US only) before I throw it on eBay.
Barely used. Works great. I have QWERTY and #DVORAK keysets for it, and a case.
I love this keyboard, & desperately _wanted_ to use it, but i couldn’t wrap my head around having to switch layers to access some keys. For special stuff sure, but for 50+ times a day stuff? No. I need ALLLL the keys.
(currently using a #Kinesis #Advantage360 )
#keyboardio #dvorak #kinesis #advantage360
I’ve got two projects I’m working on over the holiday weekend.
One involves the aforementioned #keyboardio #model100 and trying to send it led instructions over the serial port.
The other one, I’ll be using some of the info in this blog post ( to improve some of my #protomaps experiments. Bring on the spatial joins!
#protomaps #model100 #keyboardio
There's nothing like switching to a new keyboard layout to make you realize that your brain didn't actually remember that control-meta-cokebottle-3 was the chord to close every third window. It remembered which fingers to put where.
I just spent a good minute trying to remember the Mac sequence to kill a process. My *fingers* knew the sequence, but given that neither the command, option *or* escape key were in the same place, I just couldn't figure it out.
It's the time of the year when I wish I had the plans for the wooden parts of my #Keyboardio keyboard and could make some replacements of a material that doesn't change in size with the seasons.
I normally prefer my #MechanicalKeyboards to be as noisy as possible, and to be more or less a full TKL layout so that I don't have to learn where non-letter keys are hiding. But I decided it would be good to have a travel keyboard, so I got this little #Atreus from #Keyboardio. It scratches my itch for split-like wrist positioning while being small, sturdy, and portable. It also makes great use of your thumbs.
It features hot-swap sockets, so I replaced the switches with some frankenswitches I made using Zilent stems and lubed them up (my first time lubing switches). If you're not familiar with silent-type stems, they put a bit of rubber on the bottom and top contact points, so that when they bottom out or return to the top, you get a soft feel and sound. I've fallen totally in love with the Zilents.
Many thanks to @jesse @quince, and @algernon for such a great product with great firmware :)
#mechanicalkeyboards #atreus #keyboardio
Finally found time to set up my #keyboardio Model 100. Ironically, the hardest thing about designing the key mapping is keeping it consistent with my Keyboardio Atreus (for portable use). Since Atreus is a 44-key, my approach is to “embed” my Atreus mapping within the M100, and enhance with the extra keys around the edges. It’s pretty close, but stuff like the pinky keys being more severely shifted on the 100 is hard to adjust to—I keep putting my pinkies on the key above the home row!
I did a #repair on my #keyboardio Model 01 to replace a dead switch. They're such a pain to remove and it feels like I'm destroying the keyboard every time. It's the fifth switch to die, and I've also had to disassemble and clean switches over 30 times on each of my Model 01s. The durability of the early model has been kind of disappointing, but the keyboard is so nice otherwise that I can't complain too much. I'm quite jealous of the quick-swap switches in the Model 100, though.