Crandon intersection project delays anger residents :
Village officials placed blame on County permitting snags and problems with uncharted underground utilities.
#BrettMoss #CairoCangas #construction #CrandonBoulevard #digonce #JoeRasco #KeyColony #MiamiDadeCounty #permot #traffic #utility #waterandsewer
#Miami #news
#brettmoss #cairocangas #construction #crandonboulevard #digonce #joerasco #keycolony #miamidadecounty #permot #traffic #utility #waterandsewer #miami #News
PODCAST: Expert says condo retaliation against residents is common :
“You have an absolute right to those records and the association can't tamper with or remove that information,” Goldman said.
#Champlain #Condominium #DanaGoldman #Election #EmeraldBay #FloridaLegislature #governance #KeyColony #Lawsuit #misappropriation #podcast #retaliation #StateAttorney'sOffice #Surfiside #Surfs
#champlain #condominium #danagoldman #election #emeraldbay #floridalegislature #governance #keycolony #lawsuit #misappropriation #podcast #retaliation #stateattorney #039soffice #surfiside #surfs
Criminal investigation at EmeraldBay condo into reported “misappropriation of funds” :
The new investigation is the second criminal probe at the island’s posh Key Colony apartment complex this year.
#AntonioCamejo #CastleGroup #Condominium #EmeraldBay #EmeraldBay #FrankSousa #KeyBiscayne #KeyColony #miami #keybiscayne
#antoniocamejo #castlegroup #condominium #emeraldbay #franksousa #keybiscayne #keycolony #miami