Some good news for those on low wages, continuing to face a #costoflivingcrisis - the UK #minimumwage will rise by 9.7%...
If you wanted a simple bit of #Keynsian employment policy, this help with 'effective demand' is a good (if limited) step... it represents an immediate transfer from #shareholders to #workers, provided its well policies, of course, and will ensure all that extra money is actually spent in the economy... so good for the low paid, and good for aggregate demand...
#Costoflivingcrisis #minimumwage #keynsian #shareholders #workers
#tories cannot get their head round #keynsian exonomics - it cuts across too many of their prejudices.
The #rich buying yachts in tax havens using untaxed income held in #scottish #LLPs & the like are literally siphoning wealth out of the #uk - all the while claiming they are #wealthCreators ......
#tories #keynsian #rich #Scottish #llps #uk #WealthCreators