Other views of the big deck box.
#CelticArt #KeyPattern #LaserCut #LaserCutter #WoodWorking #MTG #MagicTheGathering
#celticart #keypattern #lasercut #lasercutter #woodworking #mtg #magicthegathering
Several people asked me about larger deck boxes to accommodate 100 card M:tG sleeved commander decks in the same style as the boxes I made over the holidays. So, I made this one.
#CelticArt #KeyPattern #LaserCut #LaserCutter #WoodWorking #MTG #MagicTheGathering
#celticart #keypattern #lasercut #lasercutter #woodworking #mtg #magicthegathering
I redesigned my Spirals kirigami bookmark to make it less fragile. While I was at it, I made a handful and a few of the two different Celtic key pattern designs. Several people have asked. So, I put them up in the shop on the Evermore Studio site ( https://evermorestud.io/shop/ ), individually and in sets.
#PaperArt #Kirigami #CelticArt #KeyPattern #Spiral #LaserCut
#paperart #kirigami #celticart #keypattern #spiral #lasercut
After my quick Mastodon logo pins came out so well, I was inspired to make some wood inlay pins with variants of a couple of my Celtic key pattern designs. These were a little more fiddly but, I think they came out pretty well. Maple with walnut inlay, sanded to 650 grit, wipe-on poly finish. Bottle cap for scale.
#LaserCutter #Glowforge #WoodWorking #Inlay #CelticArt #KeyPattern
#keypattern #celticart #inlay #woodworking #glowforge #lasercutter
After my quick Mastodon logo pins came out so well, I was inspired to make some wood inlay pins with variants of a couple of my Celtic key pattern designs. These were a little more fiddly but, I think they came out pretty well. Maple with walnut inlay, sanded to 650 grit, wipe-on poly finish. Bottle cap for scale.
#LaserCutter #Glowforge #WoodWorking #Inlay #CelticArt #keypattern
#lasercutter #keypattern #glowforge #woodworking #inlay #celticart
These Magic: the Gathering deck boxes were a little quick holiday wizardry for the niblings. The glow-in-the-dark engrave fills worked out pretty well.
#CelticArt #KeyPattern #glowforge #LaserCut #LaserCutter #WoodWorking #MTG #MagicTheGathering #MastoArt
#woodworking #mtg #magicthegathering #mastoart #lasercut #lasercutter #celticart #keypattern #glowforge
I made a drawstring bag out of interlocking tiles cut from faux leather scrap. Leaning in to the developing “key” theme, I modeled a couple antique-style keys in Nomad Sculpt and 3D printed them to use as toggles.
#celtic #CelticArt #CelticDesign #KeyPattern #NomadSculpt #3dModeling #LaserCut #LaserCutter #glowforge #MastoArt
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling #lasercut #lasercutter #glowforge #mastoart
Renders of a key with Celtic styling I modeled.
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #spiral #celticspiral #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #spiral #celticspiral #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling
Render of a key with Celtic styling I modeled.
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #spiral #celticspiral #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #spiral #celticspiral #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling
Experimenting w/3D modeling in Blender & Nomad. My primary interest is modeling for physical objects (e.g., 3D printing) but, doing some educational sculpts. This grimoire incorporates a Celtic knot & key pattern. Modeled in Nomad, textured & painted in Procreate. The knot and the key pattern started as SVGs I created in Inkscape, were extruded in Blender and, remeshed in Nomad.
#celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #keypattern #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling #procreateart #blender #grimoire #mastoart
#celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #keypattern #nomadsculpt #3dmodeling #procreateart #blender #grimoire #mastoart
I made a quick hexagonal gift box decorated with one of my Celtic key patterns for a holiday gift.
I put the pattern for the plain box up (as a free download) on the Evermore Studio site, if you want to make one. Link in bio.
#paper #papershapers #paperengineering #paperart #lasercut #lasercutter #glowforge #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern
#paper #papershapers #paperengineering #paperart #lasercut #lasercutter #glowforge #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern
Finally sharing the Bag of Many Projects! Celtic key pattern embossed velvet bag, yellow silk lining, faux/vegan leather bottom engraved with a custom Celtic knotwork ring, kumihimo braided drawstring, custom skull beads. More photos,, project vid on the blog:
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #keypattern #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #veganleather #leathercraft #textileart #velvet #dicebag
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #knotwork #celticknot #keypattern #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #veganleather #leathercraft #textileart #velvet #dicebag
Celtic key pattern long box of hard maple inlaid with walnut and flocked interior. I think my second foray into laser-cut wood inlay went pretty well. This is probably not an optimal dice vault but, it looks good with these @norsefoundry turquoise gemstone dice. I’ll likely do a proper dice vault in the future.
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #mazepattern #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #woodworking #woodinlay #dicevault #dicebox #art #mastoart
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #mazepattern #glowforge #lasercut #lasercutter #woodworking #woodinlay #dicevault #dicebox #art #mastoart
Celtic key (or maze) patterns figure prominently in a few past and a bunch of upcoming projects. So, I made a quick video with some basics on how I assemble those as vector art images. #celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #vectorart #inkscape
#celtic #celticart #celticdesign #keypattern #vectorart #inkscape