chapter 1

ā€¢ Dianetics is a "science of the mind" & "an answer to the goal of thought"

ā€¢ Provides an history of humanity and of "aberrations" of mental health and illnesses

ā€¢ Argues there is a "single source of all insanities ... and social derangements"

ā€¢ Defines various psychological terms regarding said "insanities"

ā€¢ Claims that this book's goals include creating techniques to cure, and prevent, these issues.


#dianetics #keypoints

Last updated 1 year ago

Sebastian Casu · @casusebastian
440 followers · 94 posts · Server

Heute gab es ein kleines - in der . Wir haben in 30 Minuten gemeinsam mit Studierenden, Kolleg:innen der . Praktikant:innen & AssistenzƤrzt:innen ein Gedankenspiel verfolgt & damit erƶrtert.
Es gab noch Exkurse zu weiteren Antidoten bis hin zur . kritzelten wir auf's .

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IT News · @itnewsbot
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The Most Vulnerable Place on the Internet - Underwater cables keep the internet online. When they congregate in one place, things get... - /cyberattacksandhacks

#keypoints #security

Last updated 2 years ago