#BenLevin - How To Get GOOD At #Music
#MusicTheory #Simplicity #SimpleMusicTheory #Intuition #Contrast #LightAndShade #Keys #KeySignatures #Chords
#chords #keysignatures #keys #lightandshade #contrast #intuition #simplemusictheory #simplicity #musictheory #music #benlevin
The most commonly used key signature on THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON was D. The Grateful Dead's "Shakedown Street" is, depending upon whom you talk with, is in D Dorian or C. I'd argue that much of that 1970s dystopian guitar vibe arose because of this key signature.
#1970s #guitar #music #key #keysignatures
Basic #MusicTheory in 16 Minutes - #GuyMichelmore
#Music #Scales #CircleOfFifths Intervals #Keys #KeySignatures #Chords #Harmony
#harmony #chords #keysignatures #keys #CircleOfFifths #scales #music #guymichelmore #musictheory