By: Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter
Proverbs 12:17: He who speaks truth declares righteousness,
But a false witness, deceit.
#5thD #keystone #leapfrog #Treasuremap #God #cabal #Genocide #fallofthecabal #sequels #Illuminati #NWO #TheGreatREset #Covid #Coronavirus #MKUltra #Mockingbird #BlueBeam #LookingGlass #Covfefe #wakeupamerica #freedom #usa #Truth #MAGA #Biden #Jesus #Saveamerica #SoundOfFreedom
#5thD #keystone #leapfrog #treasuremap #god #cabal #genocide #fallofthecabal #Sequels #illuminati #nwo #TheGreatReset #COVID #coronavirus #mkultra #mockingbird #BLUEBEAM #lookingglass #covfefe #wakeupamerica #freedom #usa #truth #maga #Biden #jesus #saveamerica #SoundOfFreedom
📬 Unmut in der Community wegen Ledger Recover – ein Kommentar
#ITSicherheit #Kommentar #Krypto #Bitbox #Keystone #krypto #Ledger #LedgerRecover #LedgerWallet #MnemonicPhrase
#mnemonicphrase #ledgerwallet #ledgerrecover #ledger #keystone #bitbox #krypto #kommentar #itsicherheit
CDC Bought Phone Data of 55 MILLION Americans to Monitor Lockdown Adherence [MIRROR]
#digitalID #Identity #discernment #government #tech #technology #G20 #HealthPassport #socialcredit #id2020 #ESG #UniversaLid #UID #15MinuteCities #projectlockstep #vaccinepassports #digitalcertificates #Covid #greencard #control #Track #Trace #Facial #Recognition #constitution #constitutional #NO #DigitaLidTruth #nano #technology #leapfrog #keystone #treasure #map #liberty #freedom #life #agenda21 #agenda2030 #great #reset #projection101 #Covfefe #Retruth
#Digitalid #Identity #Discernment #government #tech #technology #g20 #healthpassport #socialcredit #id2020 #ESG #UniversalID #UID #15MinuteCities #projectlockstep #VaccinePassports #DigitalCertificates #COVID #greencard #Control #track #trace #facial #Recognition #constitution #constitutional #NO #DigitaLidTruth #nano #leapfrog #keystone #treasure #map #liberty #freedom #life #agenda21 #agenda2030 #Great #reset #projection101 #covfefe #ReTruth
Today's animal from Glasgow's architecture is this rather delightful dolphinfish wrapped round a trident on the keystone over one of the doors to a 1902 tenement on Hunter Street in Calton.
#glasgow #sculpture #architecture #animalsinarchitecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #dolphinfish #keystone
#keystone #dolphinfish #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #animalsinarchitecture #architecture #sculpture #glasgow
Installed the #NUC in my 10” #SOHO rack!
#Keystone jacks for USB3, Thunderbolt/video, Toslink, Ethernet (for patching) and temporary DC.
Attached the HDD to a blank plate.
Planning to replace the external DC PSU with another DIN supply (already got 12V and 5V on a rail), hoping the wattage will be sufficient.
Tried to power the disk from the existing 12V distribution which is used for the router and switch but it was too low current to spin up. #DIY #homenetworking
#nuc #soho #keystone #diy #homenetworking
RT @howserob
#ISDS #Keystone: @TCEnergy claim against Biden Admin.Note the date. Nov 3 deadline for filing request to submit amicus curiae briefs (see Annex B here @MartinBrauch @bilaterals_org @CCSI_Columbia @jbentonheath @PCGT @no2iia @NathalieBernasc
#Keystone #oil #pipeline was operating at bounds of its #permit when it burst & released almost 13,000 barrels of oil in northern #Kansas , an executive from the company said Tuesday.
Gary Salsman, VP of field operations for #TCEnergy, which owns #KeystonePipeline testified in joint meeting of two Kansas House committees. He fielded pointed questions from #lawmakers about the cause of the #OilSpill, #cleanup & their #concerns about TC Energy’s #transparency .
#keystone #oil #pipeline #permit #kansas #tcenergy #keystonepipeline #lawmakers #oilspill #cleanup #concerns #transparency
Happy #mosstodon all!
This glorious hundred year old residential #oak hosts so much life! Not just #lichen and #moss, but ants, spiders, mites, beetles, moths, butterflies, and so much more. They're called #keystone species for a reason!
I hope to encourage it's continued longevity by practicing healthy #stewardship of it's environment.
I wonder if I can get this tree into a heritage list somewhere 🤔
#Trees #Nature #Gardening #naturalist #stewardship #keystone #Moss #lichen #oak #Mosstodon
Wusstet ihr das der #Keystone Jacket and Dress Cutter jünger ist als das Patent auf Jeans?
Anyway, ich hab ne Weste aus dem Buch aus alten Jeans gemacht, und es sieht sooo 1990er aus, statt 1890er, es ist großartig!!!
What is a Keystone Species?
Defenders of Wildlife answers that question!
“The term “keystone” is an architectural reference to a wedge-shaped stone at the top of an archway. It is the last stone builders place in the arch to lock the other stones into position and enable the arch to bear a building’s weight. If the keystone is removed, the arch—and possibly the entire building—could collapse.
Similarly, a #keystone species helps to keep an ecosystem together and functioning by shaping #ecosystems in various ways, from being apex #predators to #ecosystem engineers. Here are a few examples of how this plays out…
(More, and #beavers are coming!)
#keystone #ecosystems #predators #ecosystem #beavers
Carved keystone head over the entrance to the old Fairfield Shipyard on Govan Road. Dating from 1890, the sculpture is by McGilvray & Ferris.
Judging by the winged headdress, it represents Thor, the hammer-wielding Norse god of Thunder, which would be quite appropriate given the all the cacophony of noise created by ship-building.
#glasgow #keystone #sculpture #carvedhead #thor #govan #shipbuilding #fairfieldshipyard #govanroad #stonework #glasgowbuildings #glasgowachitecture
#architecture #glasgowachitecture #glasgowbuildings #stonework #govanroad #fairfieldshipyard #shipbuilding #govan #thor #carvedhead #sculpture #keystone #glasgow
“Back at the den, Mom and Dad are waiting for the kids. Dad warns about the dangers of #predators on land. Mom is a bit more “go with the flow” — she wants you all to know that the work we do each day is not just for our own benefit. She says, “We are a #keystone #species and we create habitat for many kinds of creatures like #birds #bugs and #Toads. We have a duty to protect our family because we make life possible for so many others.”
Any #beaver is lucky to have such a loving family dynamic. It is important to soak up the messages from your family because next year, you will be teaching, playing with, grooming, and snuggling new sibling kits.”
#predators #keystone #species #birds #bugs #toads #beaver
💭 :thinking:
Just a thought, I would like to share, as the pandemic situation allows for many things again:
We should consider planning scientific meetings as hybrid events whenever possible!
This is tremendously important for people who cannot (or do not want to) travel, e.g. for family, health, political or environmental reasons, to stay connected.
Let's make inclusion a reality!
#EMBO #FASEB #Gordon #Keystone #GRC #SRC #EMBL #Science @cilia @agingresearch @nephrology @molecularbiology
#embo #faseb #gordon #keystone #grc #src #embl #science
This Day in Alaska History-January 29th, 1908
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#1908 #29 #Alaska #assault #deputy #halsey #history #january #keystone canyon #marshal #mcneil island #murder #penitentiary #reinhart #riots #trial
#alaska #assault #deputy #halsey #history #january #keystone #marshal #mcneil #murder #penitentiary #reinhart #riots #trial
The #Keystone operator must repay some — not all — of the tax dollars spent on its #Kansasoilspill
KCUR | By Celia Llopis-Jepsen
Published January 13, 2023 at 9:21 AM CST