“You could just draw a quick pair of swords for the Dual Wield illustration, Mimsy, or you could make a needlessly elaborate set.”
#mastoart #art #rpgArt #KeystoneFantasy #fencing
#mastoart #art #rpgart #keystonefantasy #fencing
I really loved the floral embellishment along the brow on this helmet. And it's historical, too!
#mastoart #rpgart #amdrawing #keystonefantasy
The gang's all here!
The Dread Tyrant, his lieutenants and lovers and backstabbers, the movers and shakers in the Court at Tour Toriel, folks who've already conquered the known world and present a formidable if surprising obstacle for our plucky heroes the PCs.
Now that I've completed the art, I can finalize the layout for the Tyrant's Court Atop Tour Toriel and get this sucker released!
#ttrpg #keystonefantasy #cortexprime #rpgart
Even with my clever cheat of plagiarizing Rembrandt, this piece took FOREVER to complete. But here in all their glory is the Court of Tour Toriel, the guys who conquered the known world for Mithon the First, now slowly dissolving into their own personal foibles in the unassailable fortress at the roof of the world. They're pretty much bad news all around.
#ttrpg #rpgart #cortexprime #keystonefantasy #rembrandt
Peshak the Rider, from the Gazetteer of the Speaking Lands
Y'all have chosen wisely in this week's entry, as now I get to share with you the exploits of Peshak the Rider, culture hero throughout northern Ipieros, rebel icon, and all around fascinating figure... if I do say so, myself.
#GazetteerOfTheSpeakingLands #KeystoneFantasy #CortexPrime #TTRPG #IndieTTRPG
#gazetteerofthespeakinglands #keystonefantasy #cortexprime #ttrpg #indiettrpg
Did a "color test" that took all day to see if I want to color and shade the rest of the portraits for the Keystone Court. Probably will?
#TTRPG #IndieTTRPG #CortexPrime #KeystoneFantasy #rpgArt #procreate
#ttrpg #indiettrpg #cortexprime #keystonefantasy #rpgart #procreate
🎼 Gaaalll-brax, the Angry Ghost, the Angriest Ghost we Know... 🎶
#keystonefantasy #cortexprime #ttrpg #ttrpgs #rpgart
I say this about so many of them, but the entry on Industraza is one of my favorites. While the inspiration for this entry can be squarely laid at the feet of the TikTok Sea Shanty trend, which was absolutely everywhere when I wrote this, I like to think that the entry really developed into its own unique thing.
#gazetteerofthespeakinglands #cortexprime #keystonefantasy
They're disreputable, uncouth, rowdy, and possibly untrustworthy. Everybody knows they're trouble. (They're also everybody's unspoken favorite.) They're ***GOBLINS***!
Am writing a skill list, which is always a struggle between having fun with it and having too much fun with it.
Okay, I think I pretty much nailed this illustration of the Dread Tyrant. I'm sure I'll come back to it tomorrow and find a dozen details to niggle over, but the vibe is the right mix of dissipation, intimidation, and poise.
This is the guy who literally conquered the world and then you and your friends broke into his house.
#mastoart #rpgart #keystonefantasy #cortexprime
I forgot hashtags, so I'm putting them in at the bottom of the thread.
#TTRPG #Worldbuilding #CortexPrime #KeystoneFantasy #Fantasy #Fish #MagicFish #GlitterSushi
#ttrpg #worldbuilding #cortexprime #keystonefantasy #fantasy #fish #magicfish #glittersushi
One day left for next week's Gazetteer post, and there's already 19 votes on it, which is far and away the most votes I've ever had on one of these. Thank you, dice.camp! I'm glad I joined you!
#fantasy #ttrpg #worldbuilding #CortexPrime #KeystoneFantasy
#fantasy #ttrpg #worldbuilding #cortexprime #keystonefantasy
Wow, got seven votes on this week's Gazetteer poll. That's a record since I moved from birdsite to mastodon.
Anybody wanna make it more? :D
It's fun fantasy worldbuilding nonsense, come join!
#ttrpg #worldbuilding #cortexprime #keystonefantasy